Wrap-R for SketchUp
@derei said:
I would like to focus on exploring what was fixed/added/changed, so I can give a solid feedback.
Thank you very much for beta testing Wrap-R. The following major changes and fixes are in this new version:
- The main new functionality is the ability of switching off/on live unwrapping. It makes manual UV editing easier in many cases (e.g. straightening seams, etc.).
- Now we have informative new cursors for some UV editing functions (moving, rotating, scaling, selecting).
- Some SketchUp texture images were displayed skewed in previous versions, it is fixed now.
- Some problems with license activation were fixed both on client side and server-side.
- Some cases of crashing were also fixed (E.g. Wrap-R sometimes crashed after opening a new .skp immediately after opening an other one, etc.).
- Problem with changed mouse primary button was fixed.
- Fixed installation problems with missing .dll files.
- Improved version of Ruby plugin installer.
- Added some new error and warning messages (e.g. for incompatible texture images)
- And many small fixes as reaction to individual cases of errors what were effecting only 1-2 users.
These are the main changes/fixes what came to my mind. Maybe Rich will have some additions to this list later...
@gábor said:
@derei said:
I would like to focus on exploring what was fixed/added/changed, so I can give a solid feedback.
Thank you very much for beta testing Wrap-R. The following major changes and fixes are in this new version:
- The main new functionality is the ability of switching off/on live unwrapping. It makes manual UV editing easier in many cases (e.g. straightening seams, etc.).
- Now we have informative new cursors for some UV editing functions (moving, rotating, scaling, selecting).
- Some SketchUp texture images were displayed skewed in previous versions, it is fixed now.
- Some problems with license activation were fixed both on client side and server-side.
- Some cases of crashing were also fixed (E.g. Wrap-R sometimes crashed after opening a new .skp immediately after opening an other one, etc.).
- Problem with changed mouse primary button was fixed.
- Fixed installation problems with missing .dll files.
- Improved version of Ruby plugin installer.
- Added some new error and warning messages (e.g. for incompatible texture images)
- And many small fixes as reaction to individual cases of errors what were effecting only 1-2 users.
These are the main changes/fixes what came to my mind. Maybe Rich will have some additions to this list later...
Hi there
Great work by you and Rich on this plugin, just wondering if it's possible to get a license extension? As I didn't receive another by email. My email address is gnralex@hotmail.com
Many thanks
@synchronicity said:
@gábor said:
@derei said:
I would like to focus on exploring what was fixed/added/changed, so I can give a solid feedback.
Thank you very much for beta testing Wrap-R. The following major changes and fixes are in this new version:
- The main new functionality is the ability of switching off/on live unwrapping. It makes manual UV editing easier in many cases (e.g. straightening seams, etc.).
- Now we have informative new cursors for some UV editing functions (moving, rotating, scaling, selecting).
- Some SketchUp texture images were displayed skewed in previous versions, it is fixed now.
- Some problems with license activation were fixed both on client side and server-side.
- Some cases of crashing were also fixed (E.g. Wrap-R sometimes crashed after opening a new .skp immediately after opening an other one, etc.).
- Problem with changed mouse primary button was fixed.
- Fixed installation problems with missing .dll files.
- Improved version of Ruby plugin installer.
- Added some new error and warning messages (e.g. for incompatible texture images)
- And many small fixes as reaction to individual cases of errors what were effecting only 1-2 users.
These are the main changes/fixes what came to my mind. Maybe Rich will have some additions to this list later...
Hi there
Great work by you and Rich on this plugin, just... *EDIT; no worries I just managed to get a new license extension by signing up through the site again, cheers!
Many thanks
@sourceskyboxer said:
Hello I always have problem with WrapR - I don't understand - If I mark green lines as Wrap Seam makerthan I save skp file:
I can not see the attached images so I don't know what kind of error messages you get. Could you please upload the images as attachments to the forum? These linked images are not opening for me.
Hello I always have problem with WrapR - I don't understand - If I mark green lines as Wrap Seam maker
than I save skp file:Than I open WrapR and shows error message?
I already marked green lines if I want. Why does it always not work for me? Any have lucky? Stop and don't miss understand me!
I'm really frustrated. I really want create whole uv mapping with SketchUp because I am Unity developer. I really want know how do I understand with WrapR. PS: I know since Substance Painter 2.5. It looks like paint face of clown in real.
That is why I really love to get explanation like key shortcuts or How do I understand that?
// FIXED PictureUrls
@SourceSkyBoxer: Thank you for fixing the images, now I can see them.
As the warning message says the current version of Wrap-R is not supporting groups or components. It unwraps the not grouped geometry only. So if you want to use Wrap-R as a standalone application make sure that the .skp file contains only the part of the model what you want to unwrap. Make sure that it is exploded and not grouped.
In your example you probably get the warning because "Chris" (the men in the scene) is a component and you saved him with the model. So either erase him and try to save without him or select in SU only the box, right click on it and from the context menu select: "WrapR / Send to WrapR"
About the shortcuts: If you select the file menu's shortcuts option you get a dialog box where you can see and even redefine the shortcuts.
I hope the above helps.
I am broken on floor because I don't know if I try first mark all 4 lines like I use default edges than I mark as Wrap Seam mark than I export skp and I try wrapr edges should be "weld selected" and end of edge will be "cut selected"
And I try select from uv mapping and rotate and scale now.. Yay.
Because It is hard to select if I open skp into wrapr and it is not selectable. That is why I need select from menu or toolbar "UV Tools -> "Select" than "move", "rotate" and "scale" wow. I wish you have to fix if wrapr will enable after openning model and need be selectable if I don't know. UV editor should show "selectable" or "not selectable" I will know better...And I export uv texture to Gimp and I try simple like emoticon and 4 different painting if I am initial using uv-mapping with SketchUp and into Unity / Unreal Engine WOW IT WORKS FINE!
THAT IS WHY I LOVE IT. I need congratulate you.I wish for next release "show label 'UV is selectable / UV is not selectable" If I don't know If I see if uv is not selectable than I need to mark "select" from UV Tools.
In WrapR you either Select Edge to mark or weld cuts. Or you select UV points to move, scale rotate UVs.
You cannot scale if you are in Edge mode and you cannot cut if you are in UV mode.
If you select edges in Edge Mode and switch to UV Select mode the selected edges will become selected UV points.
UV Mapping for SketchUp
WrapR for SketchUp is a UV mapping extension for SketchUp models
Here's is some unfinished documentation on using Wrapr to mark Seams
Great documents but why does it happen if uv mappings are not good for welding if I cut edges and It looks like back than I want weld again but uv mapping messes up ( just looks bad uv map )
Example I mark edges than I press "C" and it looks like separated uv faces
I weld back again. It happens uv mapping doesn't hold if uv mapping space is empty than it should re scale automatic to current uv content space. Is it bug? If you try to fix if welding uv faces than uv content should repossition and rescale to space of uv mappingExample for Blender If you cut edges than uv faces are separated and you weld back and it shows like clean uv mapping. I wish you fix free space into clean uv mapping. And I need get distance of uv face to uv face like this:
Thanks for improvement with recognizance of uv content and uv field!
Not a bug.
Just not yet possible to do. Planned to happen.
I can't see the images.
But your geometry may have n-gons. WrapR only export quads and triangles.
Ah okay thanks @Rich!
I didn't hide faces.than it happens with wrapR
Why does it hide 2 faces? Because I would like try create fence and make uv map.
// EDIT FIXED picture url and question/critic
I understand you said because quad and triangle. If I use another example. Why does it happen if I apply complete uv map. Than I try Sketchup than It looks like hidden geometric.
I saw your video chair why does it happen if I open wrapr than it shows error message
"THe skp file is not writable. WrapR can process only writable skp model."How do I fix? I tried SketchUp and Wrapr running as admin. still not work because I saw video chair like you worked out with uv mapping from sketchup to wrapr when you are complete to changing uv mapping than "Your skp model saved completed..." Than sketchup still open with writable skp. I saw video chair. But for me not. If I am finish to changing uv mapping than I want "Reload uv..." in sketchup. But why does it not show "Reload ..." contentmenu of WrapR in SketchUp. I already installed WrapR plugin for Sketchup Pro.
Hi there! Any news about an OSX version? Thanks!
@pny_uct said:
Hi there! Any news about an OSX version? Thanks!
Hi,Currently we are focusing on getting out the Windows version from the Beta phase and release the stable version. If we will see a big interest on the market for the OSX version we will come oot with that as well.
Stay tuned.
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How can I reaffect a svg file created by wrapr in sketchup or wrapr?
I tweaked the bydefault unwrap by WrapR because it's highly basic and there were a huge waste in texture estate and tried to save the final UV layout as svg but I don't understand how I can reimport this in SU.
Thanks in advance, -
The SVG is used to open in an image editor to paint your textures over the UV islands.
Moving the islands in the SVG does not change the UV positions of the 3D mesh.
The reason we export to SVG is that the SVG is scalable to any size as long as it maintains the ratio.
SketchUp doesn't not import SVG files. The export to SVG is purely to allow you to paint the islands with the textures you need in an app of your choice.
@rich o brien said:
The SVG is used to open in an image editor to paint your textures over the UV islands.
Moving the islands in the SVG does not change the UV positions of the 3D mesh.
The reason we export to SVG is that the SVG is scalable to any size as long as it maintains the ratio.
SketchUp doesn't not import SVG files. The export to SVG is purely to allow you to paint the islands with the textures you need in an app of your choice.
Thanks Rich,
Is there a way to save the UV unwrap layout apart from saving the skp?
Now I have a great 4k map drawn in Substance Painter but I can't get it back to SU.
And I can't import the DAE (export as sketchfab from SP) inside 3dsmax neither as there are normal tangent issues and no surfaces are generated...All I can try now - if I understand correctly- is to replace the UV islands on the previous layout in WrapR thanks to the svg after having it converted in Photoshop or Illustrator.
Is it possible to have a better unwrapping algorithm someday? And some in depth tutorials too
Thanks for the plugin anyway, it was a missing chain in the workflow! -
Did you watch the videos here...
I think the second and last one has the info for the SP workflow.
But, you are correct I need to provide more forthcoming tutorials on using WrapR. Mic is ordered so expect more soon.
I think I've seen them dozens times...
Yet I have a problem as sometimes SU hangs or crashes during the import of UV from WrapR phasis.
Not to mention sometimes I can't get the UV back and the fbx exported to SP doesn't contain any unwrapping information.
So exporting UV to SP directly works nice (always) but if I can't get the unwrapping infos back in SU, it's pretty useless (unless using marmoset toolbag as final render)...EDIT:
when I launched WrapR first time, I didn't have the shortcuts visible in the menus (even if they worked already). Now that I've configured my own shortcuts, they still aren't visible in the menus, although they are in your tuto videos.
when using UVselect and move, even selecting a few points (instead of all points of the island) suffice to move the whole island. But, when using mirror, I need to select all the points of the island. This beahaviour mismatch is a bit troubling and confusing.
is there a way to stretch (scale in one axis only) an island?
I don't understand how to use the 4 maximum tools, nor the relax.
Can you share a sample mesh I can look at?
Try it via email richob[at]sketchucation.com