Wrap-R for SketchUp
I am broken on floor because I don't know if I try first mark all 4 lines like I use default edges than I mark as Wrap Seam mark than I export skp and I try wrapr edges should be "weld selected" and end of edge will be "cut selected"
And I try select from uv mapping and rotate and scale now.. Yay.
Because It is hard to select if I open skp into wrapr and it is not selectable. That is why I need select from menu or toolbar "UV Tools -> "Select" than "move", "rotate" and "scale" wow. I wish you have to fix if wrapr will enable after openning model and need be selectable if I don't know. UV editor should show "selectable" or "not selectable" I will know better...And I export uv texture to Gimp and I try simple like emoticon and 4 different painting if I am initial using uv-mapping with SketchUp and into Unity / Unreal Engine WOW IT WORKS FINE!
THAT IS WHY I LOVE IT. I need congratulate you.I wish for next release "show label 'UV is selectable / UV is not selectable" If I don't know If I see if uv is not selectable than I need to mark "select" from UV Tools.
In WrapR you either Select Edge to mark or weld cuts. Or you select UV points to move, scale rotate UVs.
You cannot scale if you are in Edge mode and you cannot cut if you are in UV mode.
If you select edges in Edge Mode and switch to UV Select mode the selected edges will become selected UV points.
UV Mapping for SketchUp
WrapR for SketchUp is a UV mapping extension for SketchUp models
Here's is some unfinished documentation on using Wrapr to mark Seams
Great documents but why does it happen if uv mappings are not good for welding if I cut edges and It looks like back than I want weld again but uv mapping messes up ( just looks bad uv map )
Example I mark edges than I press "C" and it looks like separated uv faces
I weld back again. It happens uv mapping doesn't hold if uv mapping space is empty than it should re scale automatic to current uv content space. Is it bug? If you try to fix if welding uv faces than uv content should repossition and rescale to space of uv mappingExample for Blender If you cut edges than uv faces are separated and you weld back and it shows like clean uv mapping. I wish you fix free space into clean uv mapping. And I need get distance of uv face to uv face like this:
Thanks for improvement with recognizance of uv content and uv field!
Not a bug.
Just not yet possible to do. Planned to happen.
I can't see the images.
But your geometry may have n-gons. WrapR only export quads and triangles.
Ah okay thanks @Rich!
I didn't hide faces.than it happens with wrapR
Why does it hide 2 faces? Because I would like try create fence and make uv map.
// EDIT FIXED picture url and question/critic
I understand you said because quad and triangle. If I use another example. Why does it happen if I apply complete uv map. Than I try Sketchup than It looks like hidden geometric.
I saw your video chair why does it happen if I open wrapr than it shows error message
"THe skp file is not writable. WrapR can process only writable skp model."How do I fix? I tried SketchUp and Wrapr running as admin. still not work because I saw video chair like you worked out with uv mapping from sketchup to wrapr when you are complete to changing uv mapping than "Your skp model saved completed..." Than sketchup still open with writable skp. I saw video chair. But for me not. If I am finish to changing uv mapping than I want "Reload uv..." in sketchup. But why does it not show "Reload ..." contentmenu of WrapR in SketchUp. I already installed WrapR plugin for Sketchup Pro.
Hi there! Any news about an OSX version? Thanks!
@pny_uct said:
Hi there! Any news about an OSX version? Thanks!
Hi,Currently we are focusing on getting out the Windows version from the Beta phase and release the stable version. If we will see a big interest on the market for the OSX version we will come oot with that as well.
Stay tuned.
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How can I reaffect a svg file created by wrapr in sketchup or wrapr?
I tweaked the bydefault unwrap by WrapR because it's highly basic and there were a huge waste in texture estate and tried to save the final UV layout as svg but I don't understand how I can reimport this in SU.
Thanks in advance, -
The SVG is used to open in an image editor to paint your textures over the UV islands.
Moving the islands in the SVG does not change the UV positions of the 3D mesh.
The reason we export to SVG is that the SVG is scalable to any size as long as it maintains the ratio.
SketchUp doesn't not import SVG files. The export to SVG is purely to allow you to paint the islands with the textures you need in an app of your choice.
@rich o brien said:
The SVG is used to open in an image editor to paint your textures over the UV islands.
Moving the islands in the SVG does not change the UV positions of the 3D mesh.
The reason we export to SVG is that the SVG is scalable to any size as long as it maintains the ratio.
SketchUp doesn't not import SVG files. The export to SVG is purely to allow you to paint the islands with the textures you need in an app of your choice.
Thanks Rich,
Is there a way to save the UV unwrap layout apart from saving the skp?
Now I have a great 4k map drawn in Substance Painter but I can't get it back to SU.
And I can't import the DAE (export as sketchfab from SP) inside 3dsmax neither as there are normal tangent issues and no surfaces are generated...All I can try now - if I understand correctly- is to replace the UV islands on the previous layout in WrapR thanks to the svg after having it converted in Photoshop or Illustrator.
Is it possible to have a better unwrapping algorithm someday? And some in depth tutorials too
Thanks for the plugin anyway, it was a missing chain in the workflow! -
Did you watch the videos here...
I think the second and last one has the info for the SP workflow.
But, you are correct I need to provide more forthcoming tutorials on using WrapR. Mic is ordered so expect more soon.
I think I've seen them dozens times...
Yet I have a problem as sometimes SU hangs or crashes during the import of UV from WrapR phasis.
Not to mention sometimes I can't get the UV back and the fbx exported to SP doesn't contain any unwrapping information.
So exporting UV to SP directly works nice (always) but if I can't get the unwrapping infos back in SU, it's pretty useless (unless using marmoset toolbag as final render)...EDIT:
when I launched WrapR first time, I didn't have the shortcuts visible in the menus (even if they worked already). Now that I've configured my own shortcuts, they still aren't visible in the menus, although they are in your tuto videos.
when using UVselect and move, even selecting a few points (instead of all points of the island) suffice to move the whole island. But, when using mirror, I need to select all the points of the island. This beahaviour mismatch is a bit troubling and confusing.
is there a way to stretch (scale in one axis only) an island?
I don't understand how to use the 4 maximum tools, nor the relax.
Can you share a sample mesh I can look at?
Try it via email richob[at]sketchucation.com
Thanks Rich.
Right now I created a high res bitmap from svg with Illustrator and reinput it within SU to my mesh, re-exported the mesh to WrapR and am busy trying to match the mesh with the texture-svg layout.
I notices there is a parallax between the texture (in this case my previous unwrap layout rasterized) and the mesh. When moving the camera, the texture plane seems to be lower so there is a growing parallax when looking at the border of my screen, compared to the center. -
What are the color conventions for the stretched areas?
green = good
red = too compressed
blue = too dilated ?I noticed the stretch analysis needs to be refreshed manually. Is it too mush work to have a realtime analysis?
I also noticed that each time I cut an edge in WrapR, it refreshes the whole UV layout.
Is it possible to get rid of this behaviour?
Sorry to come with all these questions after having been so lazy and silent during the beta.
I could ask you by PM but I think some other users (noob like me ;D) could be interested to know the answers. -
Turn live unwrap off from the toolbar. Second last icon.
@optimaforever said:
Can you explain exactly how the live unwrapping work?
Every time you cut it tries to adjust islands to best fit. Turn off Live Unwrap to disable this adjustment
You can also pin any islands to prevent moving.
You can't move vertices with Live Unwrap On because the best fit will snap it back to the desired position.
Can you explain exactly how the live unwrapping work?
In the menu Mapping, there's also a Live Unwrap option.Whith Live unwrapping button toggled OFF (the Live Unwrap option gets ticked in the menu???),
I try to move a single vertex, it quickly comes back to the initial point. I have to select at least two points to be able to move them but the island gets moving.Whith Live unwrapping button toggled ON (the Live Unwrap option in the menu gets unticked),
I can move a single vertex as intended. Yet, I'm afraid of cutting edges again, because of the risk of getting the whole layout "refreshed" (= must redo all my painstakingly manual layout) just because I modified a tiny bit the geometry.In fact, I'm so afraid of losing the Unwrap layout that I can't close WrapR until I've done all the Substance painting and reimporting textures inside SketchUp.
EDIT: sorry, still learning WrapR
I like to understand how everything works under the hood.
When saving in WrapR, it writes a skp in the WrapR folder inside the place where the original skp is, with the name of the material in SU. And then, back in SU, when reloading from WrapR, what happens exactly?Do I have to resave the original skp in SU to "bake" the unwrap or is it implicit?
When trying to open this skp in WrapR directly, it doesn't work because WrapR doesn't accept skp files with components/groups. While this component has been originally created by WrapR itself when exporting the model from SU.
In order to open the skp in WrapR, I have to explode the component/group. Doing that, I lose all the quads and seams.
I tried to "save as" a new independent skp from WrapR, just to get a file I could load into WrapR in case my computer crashes during the Substance Painter work. Can I reload this skp in WrapR and get all the island layout as previously defined or will it "rebuild" all in its fashion (angle best or LSCM)? Well, I'll try later if I need it.