[req] composition helper
Thea has Rule of Thirds...
Thanks Rich, unfortunately I'm not a Thea user. Ideally I would like this to show up in SketchUp.
Rule of thirds could be added to list in first post.
Would be nice. Twilight also has something like this. Til then you can put the image in the background watermark temporarily
You could place those images as watermarks saved in a style.
@srx said:
You could place those images as watermarks saved in a style.
You are quite correct, I realize that would be a method, except you'll constantly have to change styles and update scene/page properties as you go along and create/adjust them.
I was hoping for something that would automate the process somewhat.
just put a tracing paper sheet upon your monitor hehe.
@rv1974 said:
just put a tracing paper sheet upon your monitor hehe.
The tracing paper is quite opaque, I can't see so well through it...
ok, what about 4 rubber ring bands?
the masking tape is working just fine, thanks
seriously though, I want to get the topic back on track
I'd love to hear from anyone who knows of something like this
Make PNG images with a transparent background.
For Phi, Fibonacci, Thirds etc.
Make equivalent Styles using these as Watermarks, applied over the whole screen - or as desired.
Set up Scene-tabs using these Styles - but create them so they do not affect camera settings etc, so you can toggle them on/off.
Save these Styles out to a Collection for global reuse...This screenshot is from within SketchUp, using a Watermark as suggested...
draw2D with GL line in the workspace canvas would be much slicker.
Similar to the way SketchUV overalys a grid with the tab key.
You could tab through various composition guide styles. You could even add safe areas etc to really frame your shots.