Foundation Plugin
I have a previously purchased copy of the Foundation plugin. I have just been notified when I started SketchUp that a new version is available. I go to the Medeek website and find the sentence that says go to Account Manager for the update. Log into Account manager but for the life of me, I can't find any way to get the current version. Am I supposed to download a trial version? Am I missing something obvious? I had the same trouble with the Truss plugin and never updated it. Any help would be appreciated.
KrisM -
This is how I do it: after you've logged into your account it should bring up the main screen that has the Plugins towards the bottom of the page. Pick on either one (say, the truss plugin), then when it shows your order number pick on it. At that window it should say "Download Now" at the top - pick that and save the new version to your computer.
Worked like a charm. Thank you.
I would suggest that a sentence or two could be put in the Account manger page to explain this. Sometimes the obvious ... isn't.
I apologize for the obvious confusion in where to go to download the latest version. I will look into this further and update the Account Manager accordingly.
Thanks for your response. I acknowledge and applaud your always being on top of things.
You give me too much credit, if I was on top of things we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Okay, try it now...
Login to the Account Manager and click on either the Truss Plugin or the Foundation Plugin. If you have an active license (not expired) a download button/link will now show rather than a purchase or renew button. Once your plugin serial expires the button will revert to a renew and/or purchase button. Not sure why I didn't fix this before, it was not a big deal.
If you click on your order number you will also see the download link as well. Just one less hoop to jump through.
Love the Video Tutorial Nathaniel!
The renewal option is now available for the foundation plugin. The current renewal cost is $7.00 USD versus a $10.00 USD new license fee.
Great news for all licensed users of the Medeek Foundation Plugin.
Nathaniel just updated the Medeek Construction Library KickStarter project by adding a pledge that lets people upgrade their existing Foundation Plugin license to the Construction Library license for $35. -
Version 1.1.5 - 07.18.2017
- Fixed bug with slab reinforcement for Slab-on-Grade foundations (Polygon, Face).
I have just started to experiment with the foundation plugin. The parametrics are great.
A question: might it be possible to have defaults for joists flush with the mud sill, i.e. to have the floor
assembly sit WITHIN the foundation wall?With my thanks.
@dpaul said:
I have just started to experiment with the foundation plugin. The parametrics are great.
A question: might it be possible to have defaults for joists flush with the mud sill, i.e. to have the floor
assembly sit WITHIN the foundation wall?With my thanks.
This is an increasingly typical condition for us too. The sheathing extends over the mudsill. Then we also have the condition where we raise the stemwall even higher to raise the wall framing above adjacent decks.
8 Aug Update
Medeek Const Library - Kickstarter Status at: 14 Aug
Medeek Const Library - Kickstarter Status at: 20 Aug
All or nothing. This project will only be funded if it reaches its goal by Tue, August 29 2017
Medeek Const Library - Kickstarter Status at: 26 Aug
I've been considering adding in a waffle (pod) slab, the type that is common in Australia.
I've also been reading quite a few online articles that discuss some of the issue with this type of foundation:
Beware Waffle Slabs - Structural Engineers
What are waffle slabs? Are they a great idea? I'll answer these questions and finish up with why I have never, ever designed one waffle slab.
Structural Engineers (
There does seem to be some advantages to this system but also some disadvantages.
Just wondering if anyone has any direct experience good or bad with this type of foundation system that they would be willing to share.
A new tutorial by NSM Construction.