REQ: Federal Standard Colors 595 all versions
Hi at@all
i search the FED STD 595 as RGB Table (not hex value).
How about this:
Here's an extract from that PDF in CSV format - opens in Excel, or read into a Ruby in an empty SKP to make materials...
There are 5 columns - read the PDF for help...
Col.A is 'Luster' - e.g. 1
Col.B is the FS595b 'color reference' - e.g. 32
Col.C,D,E are the R,G,B values - e.g. 55,39,38To make the materials use
The full path to the CSV file... then, skipping line 0 with the headers...
mats=Sketchup.active_model.materials lines[1..-1].each{|line| line.chomp! ### strip \n l,n,r,g,b = line.split(',') ### we include 'l' m=mats.add('FS595b_'+l+'_'+n) m.color=Sketchup;;,g.to_i,b.to_i) }
The 547 new materials are named "FS595b_1_32" etc...
Save them all as a Collection of SKM files to use in any SKP...I have also attached a ZIP containing the 547 SKM files - but you might like to change the naming convention, and rerun the above steps etc...
Hi TIG thank you, however this is an older version. the actually version is 595C
P.S. i have seen your answer to day