Scale issues from Skp to Dwg
Hi Guys, I use Sketchup for landscape architecture. My models are used for clients to visualize the design. I then send the model as a 2d scaled line plan drawing for costing and to be integrated into an Dwg output.
We have discovered however, that whether the SKP line drawing when imported into vector formats such as Illustrator or Autocad that it is not to scale, 10000mm becomes 11003mm. We can try it every which way but that,s how it comes out. Any ideas anyone?
How have you got Precision set in Model Info?
What happens if you send the view to LayOut and set the scale as needed, then export to DWG or DXF?
Hi Dave, I need to suck up a bit of humility here
The scale bar on the supplied drawing is interesting and needs to be looked at carefully. Who would consider taking a look at the scale bar itself and finding this
I now think its both hilarious and a bit scary how things can happen. Can you spot the problem?
Well, in the first two screen shots it looks like the scale bar starts at 1 instead of 0 but it clearly doesn't. I'm not sure what that has to do with exporting vector lines and the scale, though. Are you tracing over the imported image assuming it is sized correctly?
If you just draw some lines in SketchUp and export them, are they the correct length? What about going through LayOut?
normally it is a good idea to add a reference to the measuring system used, ie. ft / yd / m (etc.)
For the 2d vector scale issue, double check the scene you are exporting from is not only set to Parallel projection, but is also aligned perfectly with regards to view alignment.
This happened to me a long time ago; and what I discovered was that I slightly orbited (very slightly) before I updated the scene. While everything looked fine to the naked eye, it produced a slightly off scaled version. Back then it took me a good couple weeks to realize what had happened. Once I re-aligned the view to the section plane, everything scaled perfectly in the ACAD export.
Thanks guys, I just tried it on the persons computer who was having the problem and 1000mmSkp=1000mmDwg so I can only think of operator error. Cant work out how though.
Perhaps not holding his tongue right when exporting?
@unknownuser said:
For the 2d vector scale issue, double check the scene you are exporting from is not only set to Parallel projection, but is also aligned perfectly with regards to view alignment.
In addition to what Sonder says here, I do recall "zoom extents" is also required to maintain scale on export.
Which may help explain the cropping of the scale bar in your first image?