SketchUp 2017 Wishlist
thanks Kaas & Garry, will give ruby a serious go.
no point in wasting my sketchup experience, although will purchase a CAD plateform, probably BricsCad. although will checkout the others mentioned first -
Perspective - Camera clipping plane
This is a long running issue that has never been addressed properly. I'd simply just like to control this distance from the camera, that's it. I don't want to have worry about mixed large and small components causing degrading clipping plane distance, but currently this happens in SketchUp. And it's not like this is a major issue, but it is most of all a hinderance to an otherwise productive workflow. Most answers to this clipping plane issue are one of these few response that don't help: check Hardware Acceleration, re-import to new file, switch to parallel projection, or changing the fov. Honestly, none of those suggestions will fix it until it's addressed in 2017 in the program itself, this issue should not be left for the end users to handle.
In almost every 3D application, that clipping plane can be manually controlled, I can set the distance to 1 cm or anything else, but I can't do that in SketchUp. Sketchup chooses for you, and not in a smart way. That's ridiculous. Just stupid, and I really hope the dev team works on this.
- Multi-core support
This is just overdue, add please. I'd like sketchup to be a little more responsive, so getting that extra juice should be a high priority goal.
@baz said:
@kaas said:
@baz said:
I am really not getting on with the new trays in 16, I would like the option to revert to the 15 version.
- 100
Thank Kaas, from us here in the wilderness. I thought that the simple dialog box interface in SU15 was so easy, Especially liked that I could stick em all together and click on the ones I needed at the time.
Software designers have to justify their bucks I s'pose.
My bottom line advice is; If it ain't broke, don't fix it, please. (Or,another way of saying it: Don't add 'features' for the sake of it, please.
Me personally, I would prefer if SU stayed just as it is. My workflow can handle 'clipping' and 'UV' mapping and all the other 'things'.
My main ask would be more integration with LO. With similar, if not exact, commands.
I agree i really wish layout commands copying etc matched SU
Why cant we have plugins for layout? has this been covered sorry?
plugins for LO is a request that seen some evolution so I believe it's being adress. LO 2016 introduced a Layout API that allows other software to create LO files. Maybe 2017 will bring us some ruby... It would be cool.
@jql said:
plugins for LO is a request that seen some evolution so I believe it's being adress. LO 2016 introduced a Layout API that allows other software to create LO files. Maybe 2017 will bring us some ruby... It would be cool.
do you know of any other software currently available that leverages the revised layout API?
@juju said:
@jql said:
plugins for LO is a request that seen some evolution so I believe it's being adress. LO 2016 introduced a Layout API that allows other software to create LO files. Maybe 2017 will bring us some ruby... It would be cool.
do you know of any other software currently available that leverages the revised layout API?
I know of none, but a plugin (wich is a software itself) for sketchup, can be used right now to create LO pages from a Sketchup file.
Of course it's only the start, but I think it means at least a direction towards external developers having a handle of Layout.
Take a look at this:
And this plugin for Sketchup (wich isn't really useful as it does only basic stuff):
SketchUp Extension Warehouse
Your library of custom third-party extensions created to optimize your SketchUp workflow.
JQL, I know of the article and plugin you linked to. Apart from that, I don't know of anyone else having come up with something useful, thus the question.
Ability to nest Layers (enhanced version of BillyBob's Layers Panel Plugin)
Unwrap (enhanced version of wrapR)
Fix the clipping plane problem
Open Selection in new SU Session to edit components in a separate SketchUp workspace (incorporate something like wikii's Sharp Editor)-(as suggested by HornOxx)
Wider Layer Name drop-down display to be able to see full names (I've suggested this for the last two versions)
For me the most requested features would be Layout-Relevant
- Make it possible to activate / deactivate layers of a scene from within Layout
- Make it possible to hide/unhide geometry in a model-view from within Layout
- (Killer Feature) Make the components of a model browsable from within Layout. Imagine if you could browse your components and you could drag a component onto the Layout-Sheet to generate a "Scene" in which just the component is shown. At the moment I spend so much time simply adding pointless scenes in Sketchup in order to show some detail. This feature alone would blow minds, I feel.
- Multi-Point Dimension Lines (don't know how to phrase this). Like saying: this is 100mm and after 19 and after 482 and after that 19 and after that 25 in one go and all the measures on that dimension line stick together.
@napper said:
For me the most requested features would be Layout-Relevant
- (Killer Feature) Make the components of a model browsable from within Layout. Imagine if you could browse your components and you could drag a component onto the Layout-Sheet to generate a "Scene" in which just the component is shown. At the moment I spend so much time simply adding pointless scenes in Sketchup in order to show some detail. This feature alone would blow minds, I feel.
What I do is, from Sketchup, save a bunch of components to a folder, create a new sketchup model and import all of those components and create scenes for those from there.
If you have a template you can set things up in a breeze, with the added advantage that you can create sections and details, further develop the model and reload it back in your sketchup model.
great drawing. Something along the line of what I am doing myself.
We have a nifty little company called Kiebitzberg ( ) and do a lot of interior design With that kind of detailing necessary. I often work on projects that contain 12 or more rooms in one file as they are all connected and I need to present the type of details you are showing in your example for a whole bunch of furniture AS WE DEVELOP it. Meaning, there is the initial draft than we present it to the customer, make changes to the model, update the Layout file, etc. So exporting the Components is only so and so great because I'd constantly would need to reexport in order to get the Layout File updated. So far the best way I found was to create ALOT of Scenes in which only the relevant componant is shown but it is quite a mind-numbing task considering how fluid and logical Sketchup is.
So - I stand by my whishes!
Would be nice to see some feature from this addon in skp2017
".. 'MaxDepth' parameter for 'MakingUnique' groups- Maximum depth for which unique groups will be created. 0-inifinite depth, default=1 (use F6 panel to change maxDepth).." -
lets all push to import PDF's into layout and be able to edit them thats not asking too much is it
Whish from me : to be able typing formulas in the input bar.
-Integrate layers and outliner as one
-In windows version the ability to import pdf's
-In layout dual dimensioning (metric/imperial) and the ability to choose which is primary and which is secondary
-Solid section should be native to sketchup and in the context the ability to enable/disable just like the Dibac plugin -
@sexypox69 said:
-Solid section should be native to sketchup ... just like the
DibacSKALP pluginfor Pro version that is, fixed that for you...
@juju said:
@sexypox69 said:
-Solid section should be native to sketchup ... just like the
DibacSKALP pluginfor Pro version that is, fixed that for you...
You fixed it wrongly. Dibac plugin does just that too and it's way simpler than Skalp.
It doesn't mean simpler is better, just less complex.
Dibac does a whole lot of other things too, SKALP does section cuts and associated hatch/fill (Pattern designer) and quite well if you ask me. How does Dibac's export compare to SKALP's?
I use neither. My workflow is too much integrated into SectionCutFace. I need static Sections that don't change until I say so and the recent SectionCutFace improvements simply make it near perfect for my needs.
Some of the extra Skalp features get more and more interesting as time goes by though, so I could try it eventually someday