All my 2-D components are z-fighting!
Nope - my current file is way too big to upload. Will create a smaller version and upload that. Stay tuned...
Okay I chopped out lots of stuff and got this file down to the basic problem. A quick render shows that the z-fighting happens when the view is through a transparent wall. The wall is there so that it can cast a shadow on the scene. If I take it away, the shadow is gone, but if it is not transparent, then I cannot view the scene the way I want...
Any suggestions appreciated!
Chopped down file, z-fighting when seen through transparent wall.
maybe try changing your window-style-face settings to 'nicer' instead of 'faster'. That can improve quality of transparent objects.
@kaas said:
maybe try changing your window-style-face settings to 'nicer' instead of 'faster'. That can improve quality of transparent objects.
Thanks kaas I will try that.
where do you see the z-fighting. I see none if I run the animation or move through manually?
it may be graphic card related...
@driven said:
where do you see the z-fighting. I see none if I run the animation or move through manually?
it may be graphic card related...
Thanks John - I do not see it when navigating the model, only when it is rendering as an animation.
You are right, it may indeed be a problem with my graphic card, this is a rather old laptop that has the OS reinstalled several times. Will try looking into that...
I redesigned the scenes so that I no longer needed any transparency, and I am still getting the same z-fighting.
Could it be related to the reversed faces you have in the model.
Look at it in Monochrome and see if the fighting is happening on the blue areas. -
Possible your graphic card. You should try Window>Preference>OpenGL and check/uncheck options there.
I can also recreate on export even without the transparent walls [which thought may be causing an openGL glitch]
@driven said:
I can also recreate on export even without the transparent walls [which thought may be causing an openGL glitch][attachment=0:1mbcevkl]<!-- ia0 -->test-less-scenes0004.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1mbcevkl]
Thanks driven! So it is not just me
Yes, I got rid of the invisible wall as well, and made all my scenes take place within the courtyard area (not looking through anything), and still got the z-fighting. I have been out all day, so have not had the chance to check my graphics card. I know I have two more projects coming up that I will be using sketchup on, so need to sort this out... when I do, I will post solution here.
Thanks everyone for suggestions, and keep them coming if you think of something no one else has mentioned.
I've had this issue too. I can't recall how or if we fixed it. I'll check back (its a couple of years ago). In the mean time, if you discover an answer, I'd be very pleased to know also.