Camera glitch
%(#0080FF)[Hi there SketchUp lovers
Plesase see the picture attached. Every time I had that glitch I used Shift+Z the view changed to Paralel Projection, then |I changed it to Perspective and everything worked properly.
Now I work on more complicated drawing. It doesn't work. When I come back to Perspective the glitch come back. It intensifies even much more when I turn on sun shadows and try to move them. That is visible on drawing attached. Please help]
That looks like image plane clipping. See this help page for a discussion of how to deal with it:
@slbaumgartner said:
That looks like image plane clipping. See this help page for a discussion of how to deal with it:
Thanx for the answer but nothing of these helped. Unfortunatelly I had to came back to earlier stage of the project to continue working.
Still am looking for solution.
I think this is the same clipping error several of us have mentioned in another thread that happens periodically in 2015. I have had it happen a couple of times in the last few days.
@ntxdave said:
I think this is the same clipping error several of us have mentioned in another thread that happens periodically in 2015. I have had it happen a couple of times in the last few days.
How did ypou get rid of it ntxdave ?
@ania1sun said:
How did ypou get rid of it ntxdave ?
A couple of times I was able just to zoom out and then zoom back in but several times the only way I could get rid of the clipping was to close the model and then reopen it.
I am SO SICK of this problem. I've been dealing with it for ten years! Sketchup/Trimble just will not fix it. Each version of SU that comes out I keep hoping for a fix, but it never happens. Yes- I import CAD, I have to as part of my working procedure. Yes- I have large areas of google earth terrain. And I'm NOT going to delete this stuff - I need it!
Even with PRO SU- every year- almost nothing get's improved. Just the same problems. I've actually been having more bugsplats in 2015 t5han ever before.
I'm sorry for the griping but sometimes it just get's to me. I need a real solution to this problem- not cute little tricks that don't really work.
@anai1sun - I had one similar to your original post yesterday. It wound up destroying what I was working on and when I reload the model parts of the faces are missing completely now. Looks like someone to a hatched it to it. This is the first time I had the clipping destroy a model to where I could not recover it by reloading it......
%(#8080FF)[I was told to delete all advanced cameras I created. I did it and the problem is being solved
I was adviced to create advanced cameras only when I finish work on the project in SketchUp so to make render in v-ray.
Thanx everyone for help! =)]
That was good advice! Because of the way they work, the Advanced Camera Tools may place geometry far away from you model contents as you manipulate the camera. Even if it is hidden this distant geometry can cause clipping issues as you orbit and zoom the model in the regular view.
I never understood why these "advanced" cameras have these stupid huge frustums and contruction lines. And there is no way to disable them so that the camera is created without them (or at least i don't know how to do it). If you delete them, they are coming back. Who "invented" this sh*t?!? It must have been someone who never worked in Sketchup. I mean... how long do we have to deal now with these OGL clipping problems? Yes, since the beginning - more than 10 years! And the ACT was added in 2007-2008?
And another annoying point of the ACT... i don't know how many times i have lost a view because i accidently clicked in the unlocked viewport. WHY can't this camera just work like the standard camera and get only updated when you click "update"?!?
I only need the ACT to control the tilt of the camera - if there would be a simple plugin where you can set this value or simply set it to 0Β° i would never use them again...