Made a mess
again no replies, so let me try a different vein.
Evidently something got contaminated somewhere. What is displayed in the bugsplat that can be a hint as to what is the complaint?
Also is there a document, tutorial, video etc that explains contents of bugsplats..... joe
So... looks like you should not try to use the
in that SketchUp version.
There might be a compatibility issue ?As for running any SketchUp version as 'admin'...
You can set that to be the permanent state of affairs by finding the appropriate
in its 'Program Files' folder.
Select its icon, right-click > context-menu > Properties > Compatibility > Privilege Level [pane] > 'Run this program as an administrator' ensure that it is ticked > Apply/OK
Now that version of SketchUp is always run by 'admin' -
As pointed out, Trimble no longer supports V8, so you are not likely to get a response from them unless some old hand is feeling bored. Many plugin authors also no longer check compatibility with v8.
Your main clues are your observations #5 and #7. If it works when you run as administrator but not otherwise, there is clearly a permissions issue with something it is trying to do during installation (often lack of write permission but could be some other permission). The plugins installation location changed between v8 and 2014 to not involve locations that are often admin only. I don't know anything specific about the comments plugin, but many old plugins tried to save files and/or data in locations that require admin. Also, 2014 uses a newer version of Ruby. If the plugin author updated it for Ruby 2.0 and didn't bother to test on older versions that could cause issues.
Have you tried opening the Ruby Console window before loading the plugin? You may (no guarantees) see some messages flash there before SU crashes.
thanks for the replies.
This is my setup. home using windows7 - home edition, with sketchup 8 the shop using windows7 - pro edition , with sketchup 8
3. with the home edition, and Comments plugin is installed, errors come up thru Ruby console but sketchup loads successfully.
4. at the shop with the pro edition, just bugsplitsso I think the only difference is the flavor of windows7
- I load sketchup drawings thru Google Drive so the work is available anywhere.
- to me the Comments plugin is meaningful - gives a short brief of the drawing and should be part of the basic package - maybe in styles or layers.
- anyhow I am moving on, but will research this as time permits. to this end I am going to learn ruby coding - see you in two years.
thanks for the help ..... joe
Before you go...
Have you got the latest:
which is needed by the Comments plugin ?
Also the latest version of that plugin ?
I have just installed it and tested it and with v8.
I too get an instant BugSplat at startup, as the 'BGSketchup_Library' is loaded.
After a bit more fiddling around I find that the 'Library_Main.rb' file includes, at line #211
data[7]=Sketchup.platform.to_s #platform
This fails <v2014, so in v8 it creates a error in the Ruby Console.
Its line can be adjusted to work the same in all versions, as:
data[7]=(RUBY_PLATFORM=~/darwin/) ? 'platform_osx' : 'platform_win' #platform
Although I can't immediately see whatdata[7]
is then used for ??The 'Library_Activation.rbs' is in some way[s] 'faulty'.
When it is loaded in v8 it will BugSplat !
Because it's a compiled rbs file it's hard to see exactly what's wrong with it.But after a lot of messing on I've gotten a few errors out...
Warning that at line #95 it has a space before some parenthesized arguments, but that's not fatal [yet] !
I'm unclear why it does this... but it can also get your computer's 'SerialNumber' [although I can't see how it calls it exactly - perhaps using the .ini files it makes in the Plugins folder !?] - I assume it's using '
' or similar to do this - this functionality is accessible through Ruby2 >=v2014, BUT in older SketchUp versions you must include a suitable ' ' file in the plugin's subfolder and path directly to that when 'requiring' it [i.e. needs a SUp version checker].Also there seems to be a reference to FILE in the rbs file's code ! e.g.
html_path = File.join(File.dirname(%(#4000BF)[__FILE__]), "Activation.html")
, which will fail in older SketchUps.
That could be fixed by using the Constant 'DIR
', which is already setup inside the main module in 'Library_Main.rb':
html_path = File.join(**self::DIR**, "Activation.html")
So, the compiled .rbs has at least these [if not more] issues, but the author must address them and recompile it... At least if he wants compatibility <=v2013...
Wow, that is quite the analysis; I am really impressed. That is why I need to get Ruby coding and concepts under my belt, but I doubt I will ever get to your level of expertise.
I will try your suggestions over the weekend, but I need to get some shop work done.....thanks ..... joe
Based on TIG's amazing analysis, your best answer is to try to contact the Comments plugin author, Inteloide (BGSketchup). The last revision was less than a month ago, so it is clear the author is still active. He is probably unaware of your situation because the title of this topic does not mention his plugin!
I've already PM'd the author...
And pointed him here... -
Hello Gents !
Thank you for contacting me on this topic.
To be honest I was warned by users that errors can appear on older version of Sketchup but it's quite difficult to program on multiple version of a software...
But thanks to TIG analysis I'll correct the BGSketchup Library.Inteloide
Well, still no positive results.
Downloaded BGSketchup_Library and get a bugsplat(with compatibility mode). Is this suppose to work with Sketchup 8/free? Could only find some one with sK-8 pro that is successful. Besides going to a newer release, what are my options?....joe
I know the author is working on a compatibility update.
Currently it's incompatible with v8 & v2013
Watch for announcements...