Keyboard shortcuts stopped working 2015
Finally got around to installing a SSD (a Samsung 840 Pro that I bought maybe a year ago), did a clean install of 7Pro and now everything seems to be fine. For now.
to fix the shortcut issue in 30 seconds open Preferences.dat in Notepad and using 'find-replace' swap 'Plugins' to 'Extensions'.
Believe me SU2015 64bit worth it. -
hey, thanks for that tip rv1974! I'll try that right away and report back.
Could not find location of preferences.dat by search or looking into the subdirectories. So I tried generating a new preferences.dat and reimporting it. That works but then the shortcuts still aren't saved when edits are made to add more shortcuts. Any other ideas?
Recently upgraded to SU 2015 and have also had trouble getting shortcuts to work. Any suggestions?
Yes, give us more details. What kind of trouble?
Switched from SU 2013 to 2015. Now, basic hot keys like 'T' for tape, or 'M' for move don't work. For now I'm using the tool bars, which kinda slows things down. Suggestions?
Try resetting your shortcuts in the shortcuts panel. I've seen that happen to a lot of instalments and it makes all defaults work. Start adding custom shortcuts only after this.
Resetting the shortcuts worked! Thank you so much CASCA. Now I can stop banging my head off the wall. SketchUcation is such a great resource.
Also, for future reference, to reset Shortcuts, on the SU menu bar, go to Window > Preferences > Shortcuts > Reset All.
Hoping someone sees this since I am not using 2015 but 2016 but did not think I should create another thread.
I just upgraded to a new 27" iMac, and using SU 2016. Everything worked perfectly for the first couple of weeks, and then yesterday for no apparent reason my shortcuts stopped working? Frustrating having to keep going to the tool bar, so how can I fix this please?
KathrynG, it's a well known bug. Unfortunately SU shortcuts don't work in 27" space.
Hmmm... that's weird, because they did for the first two weeks that I had the new computer - flawlessly, and then yesterday - boom, just stopped. I also just went to my preferences and added some new ones, such as putting back the space bar for the selection tool and Command B for the orbit tool and a couple of others and they seem to be working?
I will have to keep an eye on it, and see what happens. Thanks for responding.
Yup - just went back to check and all the new ones that I added are working just fine.
@kathryng said:
Yup - just went back to check and all the new ones that I added are working just fine.
I was kigdding. Look.. How 27" diagonal could influence shortcuts?
Don't kid... I'm gullible. Or at least on these forums I am, since compared to everyone else here I am undoubtedly the dimmest, and have gone through my life having no confidence in any of my abilities. Ergo - thinking that everyone else knows more than me. Don't know that I grasp the inner workings of the abyss of technology, I just skim the surface, and thought that maybe it had something to do with the whole construct of the 27", not just the size of the monitor. Actually... I also kind of thought that maybe you were just a bobo too
because some of the answers one gets on these forums are definitely just roll your eyes moments, even for me.
Cheers! Can't even find the darn emoji for sticking out tongue - I rest my case, sheesh.
What a nice display of fair play! Cheers Kathryn!
@jql said:
What a nice display of fair play! Cheers Kathryn!
I very much agree. Well done, well said, Kathryn!
Reaching out to hellnbak and JQL please. As Charlie Brown would say - "RATS!" or 'GOOD GRIEF!" I set up my keyboard shortcuts, and was happy to do so as I assigned keys that made more sense to me personally for each tool that I use the most.
Working great, and then SU crashed. (Does that quite a bit with me - usually when I try to render my model using my well loved LightUp.) Frustrating, but thank goodness for the auto-save feature. Once I restart SU though, all those carefully set up keyboard shortcuts that I assigned are history. What am I missing here?
Thank you both in advance for your help. Keyboard shortcuts do absolutely speed up work flow and I am lost without them.
Kathryn, I fear that (to paraphrase Simon and Garfunkel) when they're gone, they're gone. Unless you had a backup. To protect yourself in the future, the Window->Preferences->Shortcuts panel has import and export buttons you can use to create a copy in a safe place.