SketchUp 2016 Wishlist
parametric objects BIM integrated to Archicad, Revit or Tekla thats all.
BIMSight does support sketchup... As Well as Archicad and Revit. Do you mean you parametric design in sketchup?
Tekla BIMsight 1.9 now supports SketchUp | SketchUcation
The new release of Tekla BIMsight, the free software tool for building information modeling (BIM) project collaboration has implemented further integration with SketchUp.
push the cmmd key (for example) with the tape measure tool and it places a guide point.
✢ -
My needs are simple.
I want to think about a model, and have SU build it for me.
@hellnbak said:
My needs are simple.
I want to think about a model, and have SU build it for me.
yes thats release 2045, when the computer is implanted in the brain
Read 3001: The Final Odyssey. It has a computer "flap"? that is laid over the brain and allows direct connection to all knowledge and you understand all languages.
@krisidious said:
Read 3001: The Final Odyssey. It has a computer "flap"? that is laid over the brain and allows direct connection to all knowledge and you understand all languages.
Wow, didn't know there were four books in the Space Odyssey series. Didn't read too far into the Wikipedia article, seemed to be too many spoilers. Sadly, I've never read any of the books. But I've just visited Amazon and have ordered all four.
As far as understanding all languages, the little fish thingie in the ear method used in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy seems like it would be a lot less painful. I'll just go with that I think.
It's an awesome series and I think the Final Odyssey is my favorite. An astronaut is out bu Jupiter or something and has an accident and is frozen solid. Brought back to life in 3001. I really wanted it to be made into a movie.
@krisidious said:
It's an awesome series and I think the Final Odyssey is my favorite. An astronaut is out bu Jupiter or something and has an accident and is frozen solid. Brought back to life in 3001. I really wanted it to be made into a movie.
You could have put a big SPOILER ALERT at the beginning of your post
No, that's the very beginning... That's how the book starts.
I actually never knew that it existed either. I was using Dragon Speech to Text back in the day and it trained the computer by listening to you read texts. It offered me like 4 choices of books to read aloud. I chose Final Odyssey. Then they ended the book like 3 chapters in... I had to go hunt it down. I had to know what happened.
@krisidious said:
No, that's the very beginning... That's how the book starts.
Not a problem. With my memory you could tell me the entire plot and I will have forgotten it long before I get to that book. Long before. Many times I come across a book in my "library" that sounds interesting, and I'll get well into it before I suspect that I've read it before. I've started leaving a slip of paper sticking out of books I've read so that won't happen anymore.
For whatever reason the Amazon reviews of the final book in the series were not very good.
But I didn't read the reviews so I don't know if their reasons were valid. It's like a lot of movies that got terrible reviews and bombed at the box office but I really enjoyed them. Different strokes...... -
There's no accounting for taste... I think it's a fantastic plot. It was visually spectacular in my imagination.
It will be great if skalp will be part from sketchup it self
@doush-007 said:
It will be great if skalp will be part from sketchup it self
Yeah, I was thinking that as well, it would make sense, especially for the Pro version, no need for it in the Make version.
Since I already bought Skalp, I would be at a bit of a disadvantage if this does happen. Hopefully there would be some kind of rebate consideration for people like me when maintenance renewal time comes...
I think a tool such as ConDoc Tools would also be of value to facilitate workflow.
Time will tell I suppose. Come on Trimble, you know you want to!
@doush-007 said:
It will be great if skalp will be part from sketchup it self
Not a bad thought, but since Skalp is not a Trimble product this would require them to cut some sort of deal with its authors.