Video Texture
Here's my first test. Stuttering is my screen capture software. it sucks.
Yep i will try in V8 because in V6 it don't find the main.rbs
who is well existing!Edit : Sorry no more chance in the v8 !
Maybe in the 2014
Seems works in 2014
But some crashes of the window Loading Video!
With a simple Gif animated!
Is that the same for you ?Works after closing the numerous crash windows!
The crashes windows are with this simple gif animated!
Hi Pilou
I just tested it on
WinXp Sketchup 8
Win7 Sketchup 2013
Win7(64) Sketchup 2014
Win7(64) Sketchup 2015 (64bit)
... and it works everywhere for me (with the gif file you provided)I have however to admit that with such 1-second anigifs, there are a bit large breaks between the repetions. Maybe we can improve for such situations one day. But it works.
To make it loop/repeat you must enable the loop button (rightmost button of the 7 buttons per video) which looks kind of like a recycling button
If its light green its on and it will loop , if its off (dark blue) it will play only once.
Hmmm maybe we can never guarantee that ffmpeg will be happy on every cpu, with every video file in every format it supports. I guess there are too many combinations. (But note that ffmpeg has the problem, which is a 3rd Party application , and not invented/developed by us, only packaged)
Maybe Converting the file to a different format would help for you.
Hello Pilou
I Think the plugin dont like bananas as well is a children please try some other Fruits.
Banana work fine for me in SU 2014 and 2015 wihout crash but work not in SU 8.First Proplem/Bug Ani Gifs run not all (The Fruit make no difference) in SU 8 and SU 2013
esense 3d
Ah ok the automatic replay was on the other Window!
No need to be "embarrassed", we have User Manuals not yet available, that excuses anything from your side
Ah damned! I am very unlucky with your plugin!
Total general crash with a little smiley animated of the forum
Result = Analyse + repairs of the Hard disc + cold nervous shivers!I have losted an half hour!
I believe that your plugin is not enough saftety for my case!
I am desolated of this!
Hello Pilou
Let me start like that: Sorry that your system crashed, but:
The Plugin as well as ffmpeg does nothing that would go so "deeply" into your system that it could crash your whole system.
Some theoretical theories:
- If you have unstable graphics drivers , it may crash your system... And maybe playing videos on textures "stresses" the system a bit more than showing static images.
- If your System crashes , you should check the overall system stability, as no application at all is supposed to be able to crash the whole system like that.
During development while programming around in the Plugins code , i had Sketchup hang and Sketchup crash , but only the application , not the whole System that you need to reboot and do a disk check.
I would still believe if someone says it hangs or crashes his sketchup (and in that case just uninstall the plugin) , but i totally dont see how this should crash your system.
Unless by stressing it more , but a stable system can deal with some stress.
With reasonable Graphics Acceleration and not too complex 3d-Modells, the application shouldnt be stressy at all for a system at all btw...Your system does 30 min disk checks? Not sure when ive seen that last since Windows 98. What Windows System do you have? I like to mention that shortly i saw a Windows 8 Terminate itself , while all other systems felt fine... Without my plugin or sketchup anywhere
A lot people download , install and start the plugin
No Feedback we need it Please. -
Hello all i downloadet the crash Gif s without the Pilou effect
Running easy on my system.
esense 3d -
I'm running gifs on 2015-64 fine.
I need a mac version so bad!! I can't test unfortunately. There is so much you could do with this plugin! I wish SU would natively render animated gifs as textures.
@unknownuser said:
What Windows System do you have?
Windows 8, new computer!
It's the first time that it's completly blocks!
I have hundred of differents progs with no problem!Fortunatly!
It's the bad luck!...and the mystery of the new technologies! -
Short How to
Russian and Chinese -
Some People like to have a first step video
Here is one
esense 3d -
in Russian it would be so :
Sketchup Video Texture Export with Scenes
uses the native Sketchup exporter and animatet gif
Its the ani gif made with png pictures - transparency is supportet to
I tinkeret around with the anigif for this video i slowed down to 2 Frames per second
Without slow down the anigif is freaking out
esense 3d -
can see them now... cheers
Testing the new scene render Export
Sketchup Video Texture PluginNEW
Scene Animation Real Time and
Scene Animation Export