King's Landing ala MineCraft
Having some fun...
Wow, very nice! I don't do gaming so I know nothing about Minecraft, but would love to see some more detailed shots.
It's only cubes i'm afraid
Still impressive. Looks like a giant Lego set.
That's... that's... just crazy!
(crazy good)
That is amazing.
Blender ? Qubicle 2.0?...
How the heck do you make something like that using only cubes? What's the process? And the file size. And what's the square root of a balogna sandwich?
Sooo many pixels I feel like it's 1993...
You extracted the model from Minecraft?
Yep. And converted to OBJ.
Nicely done!
Long live the king!
Very cool, Rich. Loving it.
Take care,
Minecraft is amazing, my 6yr old has being playing it for over a yr and half now, he made this last week, Not bad for a 6 yr old in all fairness, very educational too...