How to fix non concocted edges?
im trying to make cloth.
while im texturing i found that all vertices must be connected to get good texturing.
as u can see alot of vertices is not connected.
my idea was to use fredo tool ( mark vertices ) to generate guide point then connecting it by using triangulate points plugin.
the first 9 guide point worked fine.
but when i try the same method with any other gpoint it causes this issue :
any idea or any help : for fixing texturing or connecting thees vertices .
thx anyway srry for bad English. -
It begs the question...
Where did you generate the cloth mesh?
curviloft pluging :
Outline, curviloft and artisan, not professional but very fast.
thx solo ill try ur way.
the point that the table has class on it, so there is curve like this on the top : /^--^\ .
i fixed the rest of edges one by one.
now i got good texturing : -
thx for the hunt ,
i was able to fix 90% of the edges, by dividing the edge by 80 before using curviloft, but i still need to fix the rest of it .
im looking for professional and easy way.