[Plugin][$] VisuHole - v1.5a - 01 Apr 24
@pants said:
Hope you got time for this, because it feels so close...anyway, can you confirm that you're able to make up new stencils and have them work as "punches?" I've found this only works for me if I use your "stock" three sample stencils - the ones you provided as defaults. It lets me pick a new shape that turns yellow and shows all signs of being ready to make a hole, but when I double-click, or try to "orient," etc...no hole results...just a "time elapsed" display.
I also have some Sketchucation plugins-vs-extensions issues/possible confusion. Plugin manager shows current 2/4 version. Later, after finding I was still having problems, I noticed the SUcation Extensions manager still showed the old version (now disabled). I keep thinking there's a need to delete/uninstall old versions, not just disable. Apparently one can disable a plugin and still find that it shows up as the old version, active, but in the SUcation extensions manager. Confusing, to me, anyway.
Mahalo - Dave
I have the very same problem. Haven't managed even all default shapes, circle yes and polygon yes, but rectangle doesn't drill. Neither does my shape. (Rougly - looks like letter "T").
I'm trilling through a floor made of 700 planks.
Pants, did you manage to drill yours? -
With any image or file it's difficult to say something!
Else I see no dificulties to make some drills on floors, walls etc...
Just select before your objects then call the crazzy VisuHole!
One of my favorite when you can't use Boolean function who don't existing on the Make Versions!Here all object is a Group, and view Front Face
(will be the same if wall was a floor ! So from View Top)Will be of course the same if the form was a "T"
Here's the file:
With a file its' very more easy to answer!
Always post a file is the Golden Rule!
It's because your objets are not VOLUMES!!!
They have no bottom!
They are not homogeneous!
It's more difficult for VisuHole!
Your objets must be "manifold" without space between us!
So draw them "pasted" like my drawing above then use VisuHole then Exploded view" X,Y!
I didn't think that was the problem, since it drilled simple circle, no problem.
But I really need those spaces between them, is it at all possible? -
I downloaded and installed VisuHole_v1.4b. I got random results on curved surfaces, and frequent crashes on SU2017. Great potential but unrealised in my case and I had to uninstall
Did you also install the latest Lib Fredo ?
I have a problem with trying to bend small letters (1cm) on a cylinder as the picture shows in the attachement.
Could anyone help ? -
No attachment !
If your object is too small, then SketchUp can't cope.
Points closer that 1/1000" - as might be created by your tiny sizes and processes - are deemed to be coincident.
Then the tiny edges aren't created and their faces are also lost !Try Scaling things up x10 or more and see if that helps ??
For some reason I'm having trouble making a stencil. It seems that when I attempt to make a multi-shaped stencil (such as to drill 4 holes of equal size and spacing through a tube), I cannot select the group. Or, if I'm able to, it does not correctly make the stencil.
I've attached the most recent stencil I'm trying to make. The goal is to punch out the holes and leave behind what would be a frame. Yes, I now realize I can go about it a different way, but my problem with making a stencil still stands and I need to know if its something I'm doing thats incorrect or what. So to that end, I've also included a clip of what I'm doing to make the stencil and the results.
So this current stencil is already 60' tall, so it should be large enough but as you can see in the clip, it doesnt trigger like it should.
Can someone tell me whats going on? Thanks!
Actually, you can pick the stencil in any plane, which is given by the face you click.
But don't click-drag, when you do that. Just click-release
@unknownuser said:
But don't click-drag, when you do that. Just click-release
So I was half wrong!
@fredo6 said:
Actually, you can pick the stencil in any plane, which is given by the face you click.
But don't click-drag, when you do that. Just click-release
It doesnt show it very well, but I was actually doing just that right at the beginning of the video. Right around 12 - 14 seconds, when I put the mouse to the center of the group and suddenly get the demo shapes. If I click-release, nothing happens. Uploaded a new movie to show.
However when I flip it so its laying flat like Pilou says to, I get it right away.
When the stencil is based on a group or component, I was lazy to assume that the Z axis was to be sued as the plan for the stencil.
I made a change in LibFredo6 v9.5f to treat more general cases.
Tout d'abord merci Fredo pour tout ces plugins extraordinaires qui me font tout les jours gagner des heures de dessin. On a du te le dire pleins de fois mais c'est vrai, t'es le boss!!!
Petite suggestion sur celui-ci. Il me semblerait intéressant d'ajouter des marquages sur l'axe des perçage (ou des extrusions également). On pourrait de cette facon non seulement les déplacer/copié + facilement (notamment, lorsqu'on "perce" un trou cylindrique simple, on perd l'intégrité du cercle et donc son centre) mais également de coter et de mettre en plan beaucoup plus rapidement.
Si j'ai pu faire avancer modestement le shmilblick.... -
I have yet to find the way to cut through my outer wall that is made of 3 solids going all around the building.So if I cut through my first wall ( 6 faces), I will also make an opening at the back ( 6 more faces to o through). And I find I can limit it to only the first cut, but then Im only 1/3 through my wall.
Is there a way to set max drill depth, so it goes all the way through my wall, but does not reach the back walls.?
I have used Visuhole successfully to stamp a logo into my model
I noticed after converting to STEP file with FreeCAD that there are many hidden lines after the stamping, see "after carve.jpg"After the carve operation my model is no longer solid. I used CleanUp3 to clean up the model, after that there were a few lines I deleted manually.
SolidInspector2 says it is a solid
Solid Solver says it is notI am just wondering if the extra lines are to be expected after a carve operation or is there some setting in Visuhole that would avoid this?