We need your help with something...again
I kinda left out a piece of info....
...this is not pigging backing on Dropbox but it is a dedicated cloud storage solution.
It is not just limited to plugins but whatever else you need it for.
@rich o brien said:
..I need two more seasoned testers/regulars to let me know if you have time to try something slightly experimental. One tester needs to be Mac.
Expected amount of time needed for testing? If less than a few hours, feel free to contact me. Not sure if you would want me though.. things always go wrong if I test something...
Unfortunately it's more than a few hrs and we had some requests via PM we are dealing with
I am not sure I understand what the purpose of this is.
I can help if you need it.
Owncloud, is it?
(Sorry, don't have time to help test)
I have more than a few hours if they're not in the same day... I can also test it on Vista, Windows 7 and MAC. I'm available more at night in Europe daytime in USA...
Just a quick question.
How will I be able to access my plugins if I'm not online all the time? -
These types of cloud based folders sync to a local folder so you don't need to be online to access your plugins.
If ur unsure it is best you steer clear at this early stage
Yep, but with a variant on the desktop client that makes the install process more streamlined.
You got any issues with that?
Thanks. We're in same time zone as you so that fits.
As box says. It is exactly the sé as Dropbox. Local storage synced to server when online.@box
How is it going for you? -
We will get you sorted. Thanks.
Hope ur doing well
Rich I've found nothing to alter my previous comment of Bloody Brilliant.
I guess if I had more than one computer, it would make sense.