[Plugin] FloorGenerator ( Updated 6-Apr-2017)
thank you.I have a quick question for either the patient author or some of you other experts --
I want the grid origin to be at a specific point on the face (which is neither the center nor the corner).
I note in the ruby code, there is this line:
ctr=face.bounds.center;which looks like the line where it picks the center of the face as the origin...any ideas on how to set this instead, to the point where I clicked on the face?
would make this plugin purffect..
@skavan said:
thank you.I have a quick question for either the patient author or some of you other experts --
I want the grid origin to be at a specific point on the face (which is neither the center nor the corner).
I note in the ruby code, there is this line:
ctr=face.bounds.center;which looks like the line where it picks the center of the face as the origin...any ideas on how to set this instead, to the point where I clicked on the face?
would make this plugin purffect..
At the moment, the plugin has two options for the grid origin. Corner, which is the closest corner to the pick point identifying the face, and Center. The "center" point is used to define the initial location of the grid and the grid is then shifted if Corner is the selected origin.
It would seem to be relatively easy to add a third option of "Pick Pt.". I will take a look.
Oh gosh - thank you so much that would be awesome!
If it helps, I have attached a simple SU (2013 for max compatibility) file that shows the concept.
The polygon on the left is a simple version of a target shape with the desired tile centerpoint shown as the intersection of two guidelines.
The shape on the right is my current workaround -- which is to force the shape to be equidistant around this target point, and then to go back and trim the excess. This is not too much of a pain on this simple example, but becomes very time consuming when one of the side corridor arms, bends at say 45 degrees! Hopefully it makes more sense to look at than to explain in text!Oh - as a tiny cosmetic point, if I choose a tight gap width of say 3/16" (vs. 1/4") it works fine, and is seemingly saved to defaults. When I next open the plugin, it shows as 1/4" not 3/16". I'm pretty sure its storing the right number, but the display is formatted to a single digit fraction. Would be great to expand the formatting to two digits.
Thanks again for a truely time saving plugin.
and one more teeny thing for utter coolness is to support an alternating material...for a checkerboard style.
I can think of two ways of (easily??) doing this:- If different materials are applied to front and back of face and Current Texture is chosen, alternate material, starting with front then back -OR-
- If a "special seed value" like -1 is chosen, alternate between the chosen materials in selection via the rand_tex option.
I hope you can tell that I just LOVE your plugin and am using it to figure out how to tile a 15,000 sq.ft house!
I promise to stop now!
@skavan said:
and one more teeny thing for utter coolness is to support an alternating material...for a checkerboard style.
I can think of two ways of (easily??) doing this:- If different materials are applied to front and back of face and Current Texture is chosen, alternate material, starting with front then back -OR-
- If a "special seed value" like -1 is chosen, alternate between the chosen materials in selection via the rand_tex option.
I hope you can tell that I just LOVE your plugin and am using it to figure out how to tile a 15,000 sq.ft house!
I promise to stop now!
Sorry but the way this plugin creates the pattern, by intersecting a grid with the selected face, it is impossible to predict the order of the created faces.
It does not work with Sketchup 2015?
The plugin is installed, I see it in the toolbar ... but it does not open when I pressed.
Please open the Ruby Console.
Now try to use the tool.
What happens?
Any error messages?
Are you selecting a face before running the tool?
More info please... -
@tig said:
Please open the Ruby Console.
Now try to use the tool.
What happens?
Any error messages?
Are you selecting a face before running the tool?
More info please...Hi, sorry for my late.
The error in the Ruby Console is " <SystemStackError: stack level too deep> C:/Users/*/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/SketchUp/Plugins/SDM_FloorGenerator_WD.rb:95 "
@nibelungs said:
Hi, sorry for my late.
The error in the Ruby Console is " <SystemStackError: stack level too deep> C:/Users/*/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/SketchUp/Plugins/SDM_FloorGenerator_WD.rb:95 "
Are you using metric or inches? Do you use "." or "," as the decimal separator?
My guess is that the plugin is being caught in a perpetual loop of trying to read/write the current defaults.
Hi to everybody, I can't make it work on my project. It creates the grid but no bricks, or sometimes accidentally it creates just 3 or 4 bricks. the error seems to happen most when I use the offset (and I need it actually). I have no error in my geometry apparently, just it's not that regularly in its border so it implies many bricks to be cut.
any suggestion or possible error?
thanks in advance
@autumnwind said:
Hi to everybody, I can't make it work on my project. It creates the grid but no bricks, or sometimes accidentally it creates just 3 or 4 bricks. the error seems to happen most when I use the offset (and I need it actually). I have no error in my geometry apparently, just it's not that regularly in its border so it implies many bricks to be cut.
any suggestion or possible error?
thanks in advance
If you would care to post a model, version<=2014, containing the face and a list or screenshot of the parameters you are attempting to use, I will try to determine and fix the problem.
Guys, I have a problem. I can't seem to make tiles 200*200mm size, always getting the same message:
What am I doing wrong? -
@gnome_mo said:
Guys, I have a problem. I can't seem to make tiles 200*200mm size, always getting the same message:
What am I doing wrong?You aren't doing anything wrong. It just letting you know that the size choosen will result in a large number of tiles. Click "Yes" in the messagebox to proceed.
Here some inspirations for grids. the download is a PDF format. This can instantly imported in illustrator (AI) and than exported as dxf, eps, svg.
is only a tip not a request
greetings from berlin
@gnome_mo said:
Mitch, I can't thank you enough.
I feel kinda stupid to ask this, but I can't figure it out:
I would like to make tiles or wood like this picture. I've made it "by hand" but I'm sure you have settings to make it like this (next row is half length moved). Is it possible?
Use the 'Brick' pattern or 'Tile' pattern with 50% offset.
Mitch, I can't thank you enough.
First off let me say that this plugin is amazing and I use it often. I do have a question about it. Often times when I am generating a floor with a wood material already attached to the surface, it rotates the texture 90 degrees when it completes the floor. So the texture ends up running perpendicular to the board. I have tried various solutions like rotating the texture 90 degrees before running the plugin, reinserted the texture, etc. Any thoughts on this?
@mumbus said:
First off let me say that this plugin is amazing and I use it often. I do have a question about it. Often times when I am generating a floor with a wood material already attached to the surface, it rotates the texture 90 degrees when it completes the floor. So the texture ends up running perpendicular to the board. I have tried various solutions like rotating the texture 90 degrees before running the plugin, reinserted the texture, etc. Any thoughts on this?
The plugin doesn't do any UV mapping of the existing material so each "board" is treated as an independent face with the material applied to each just as if you did it manually.
If you want the "Wood" pattern to look just like the face with the material applied then you have to map the texture to each face that is created by FloorGenerator.