Billboard reflection
I have set up my hdri environment and got the reflections looking great in the glass etc but also want to reflect an image / billboard of a view opposite, this is working well but how can I control the strength of the reflection?
It's currently too strong
I don't want to drop the reflectivity of the glass! and have tried lowering the opacity of the material in the edit menu but to no avail...
File attached - this is my first attempt at vray!
Any help would be most appreciated
As you have the billboard image, I would edit that image. Possibly lighten it so that it merges more with the background.
To be honest I think its perfect the way it is. I think whats making it look perhaps odd is the fact that its a pure reflection whereas glass is not perfect and have waves and small lumps distorting the reflection a little. In the past I've used procedural maps to add distortion to the reflection.
The reason it seems strong is that the area behind the glass is dark. Look at any dark building from a similar angle from across a street and you'll see a pretty strong reflection as well.
I would just add that reflection in post for total control.
I agree. If you do lessen the reflection it will look less like glass. I think it would actually benefit from more reflection i.e. clouds etc.
you could make the back face of the billboard have a material that is 100% transparent also.
Thanks for all the comments, your feedback is most appreciated, I guess I was looking for some control of the reflection, I'll try the back face transparency and see how I get on.