Missing items - going mad
Carrying this forward -
It has something to do with groups. The large platform taking up the left two thirds of the image was a parent group called North Group (I group whole areas of groups so I can turn them off to see the other side of the room from that position). When I exploded that group, the missing platform group to the right re-appeared. But not everything that disappeared re-appeared. Notice that one of the columns on the left platform is still missing and the aluminum frame at the bottom of the glass enclosure to the left is also missing.I hope someone from Chaos can comment on this.
I'm not sure what version of 2 that you have but there have been some issues that have been fixed. I would talk to Chaos about getting a copy of this nightly and see if it solves your issues. I have not come across any issues with missing geometry in this release.
When I get back this afternoon I will send the file to support at Chaos and see if they can provide some insight.
Just because you're not using RT doesn't mean vray isn't
AFAIK the export process uses some of the same operations, and there have definitely been issues with missing geometry. You could also send the scene to chaosgroup support, they may be able to find the problem and fix it.
I'm still struggling with this.
I sent the file to Chaos last week but the file was so big it might not have gotten to them. This is a small section of the original file stripped of textures and everything else unnecessary.When I render this section on 2.0 half the elements are missing.
I think the problem may have something to do with bringing material in from Rhino but I'm not sure. I haven't been able to systematically determine when it happens.
Maybe someone can take the time to run it through 2.0 and see if there's something I'm not seeing.
I can confirm that on build: 2.00_23706 there is an issue. I tried to regenerate all materials and reset all material and render settings and it still renders blank. I copied and pasted it into a new scene and it seems to be fine after that.
@valerostudio said:
I can confirm that on build: 2.00_23706 there is an issue. I tried to regenerate all materials and reset all material and render settings and it still renders blank. I copied and pasted it into a new scene and it seems to be fine after that.
Thanks for that. I'm out in the field all day. When I'm back this afternoon I'll try copying the geometry into a new file to see if that's a fix.
Love the new dome light in 2.0!
Hi Arail1,
So if you go to your plugins> V-Ray> Debugging> Open Debug Window youll see a bunch of techo jubber jabber. But part of it should say this:
"In __handleReferencedPlugin for Unknown param asset::Unknown param plugin, could not find asset with url /glass_basic"
Essentially V-Ray is stuck looking for a material that doens exist and is freaking out. The fastest way ive found to solve this (so far) is to make a material named "glass_basic". It doesnt need to be applied to anything, just in your materials pallet. Once its there. You should be good to go.
In the meantime, were working on a solution to this bug. If you ever have any other questions you should also check out the V-Ray For Sketchup Forum: http://forums.chaosgroup.com/forumdisplay.php?126-V-Ray-for-SketchUp-forums
Ted V. -
Is there a command we can run in the debugger to list all missing materials?
A minor update -
As far as I can tell, selecting all the geometry (make sure all layers are turned on) and pasting it into a new SketchUp file solves this problem for the time being. Obviously it would be good to get the bug fixed but the workaround is a pretty minor task.
OT - I've just been using 2.0 for a week or so and I have to say that the new dome light almost moves V-Ray into the mythical 'one button' renderer category. I've always been bothered by how much adjustment is needed with most renderers to get out even a simple image. Much as the final product may sometimes be worth it, my clients are often asking for a simple image to clarify the design or some minor aspect of the design and they don't need super perfect images for that. I put out half a dozen renders this week with no adjustment at all (other than turning off environment). The client sent them back with revisions - I saved hours of set up time. At the end of the project more complex images will be generated but for now - out of the box with the dome light is making everyone happy.
Dome light is an incredible feature. Image based lighting is where everything is heading. I read an article about Pixar's Monster University being totally lit using IBL.