Problems with renders
3 questions -
- What version of V-Ray
- How is your environment GI setup
- Show us your render settings.
Hello, I have Sketchup Pro 8 for Mac and V-Ray (1.49.01).
First I loaded Default Setings. Then I set the settings like that:
- Global Switches: I enabled Default Light
- Camera: I put Shutter Speed to 30
- Environment: I entered the "M" in the "GI COLOR" and in the list on the left I put "None". The Value of GI COLOR I put on 40
- Color Mapping: I put Bright Multiplier on 0,35
Here is a useful tutorial from Nomeradona for getting rid of the 'splotches'
In order to light an interior you will need some interior light sources or you get these splotches. I think most folks add IES lights combined with some rectangular lights in front of the windows to toss in some lighting. Fernando did a nice interior tutorial on Youtube.
Don't use emissive materials to light your scene. I suspect that is how your recessed cans are setup? Emissive doesnt work the same way a V-Ray Light Material works in Max. It can only be used as a way to make a material 'look' lit.
As well as the other suggestions, have you tried increasing the HSph subdivs (under the irradiance map rollout) to something like 80-150 to reduce the blotchiness?