[Plugin] SketchUcation Tools
More info please....
Going to design a toolbox window with tabs in which the plugins can be structured by function, for better usability. Like "Tools In Dialog" by 4dHans, but with another GUI and many differences. And it woud be nice to add the ability of installation recommended plug-ins from SketchUcation in the beginning.
My plugin has been uploaded by the SketchUcation-TEAM to de SKF-pluginstore as "Plugin_Richsection_20131117-2000_.rbz.skp"
Does this mean that I wil have do use the same name (with a date in it !!)..... -
@unknownuser said:
The system will automatically rename it appropriately using the plugin's 'ID'.
It need not have an exactly matching name, the database entry is reset appropriately anyway.
In this example it becomes == "MyWidget.rbz".
Note that if the file is not a valid RBZ then an alert tells you and you'll need to retry.
Its file-extension should be in lowercase == .rbz
Once successfully uploaded this is the file that the 'Download' button will use on the SCF 'PluginStore' browser page entry.The ".rbz.skp" [this file format is explained in detail later on].
For a new listing this will be 'unassigned'.
Click 'Browse...' and select your plugin's RBZ.SKP file, for example"MyWidget.rbz.skp", to add to the entry.
If there is an existing entry you must first click on its 'Remove & Update' button, and then add a replacement file.
On 'Upload' the filename is displayed.
The system will automatically rename it appropriately using the plugin's 'ID'.
It need not have an exactly matching name, the database entry is reset appropriately anyway.
In this example it becomes == "MyWidget.rbz.skp".
If the file is not a valid v8 SKP then an alert tells you and you'll need to retry.
The file-extension should be in lowercase == .rbz.skp
Once successfully uploaded his is the file that the 'AutoInstall' button will use in the 'SketchUcation Plugin Store' dialog that is run from within SketchUp itself. -
Thanks, I could upload the last version to the pluginstore.
I tested the download over the pluginstore : fast, easy, works perfekt....
(here i can give you more than one 'thumb-up')
After updating, I got a message that parts of the code ... needs at least SU8M2.
I can't remember the exact words.Normally, my plugin should be OK for SU7 and later. (Not tested)
I used switches (if Sketchup.version_number > 8XX....; else ....)
to adapt routines to the different SU-versions -
BOOM! Welcome to Plugin Author madness
To be able to use do an AutoInstall [and some other operations] you need to have the related methods available in the API.
If there is no 'Install' button in your v8 Preferences > Extensions panel, then you need to update your current v8 [it's available free and it's non-destructive!].
The first two versions of v8 didn't include that feature.
However, SketchUp v8M2 and later have it, the currently available version is the even newer v8M4
Here are all available updated...
http://www.sketchup.com/download/all -
I've just replaced SketchUp 8 with SketchUp 2013 (Maker), and of course I downloaded and installed the latest version of SketchUcation Tools. But when I click on the Plugins Manager I get an error, as per the attachment, even after I restart SketchUp subsequent to installation. How do I set the proper permissions?
Go to the Plugins folder, right click on it, choose Properties click on the Security tab and edit the permissions for your login to Allow to provide Full Permissions.
I got this message today. Any others too?
I just checked and it worked fine for me.
@zacchia said:
I got this message today. Any others too?Please install the 2.0 version.
The error message you've shown suggests that you probably have some previous version of the Sketchucation Tools installed. -
Ups, I missed this one... Thanks a lot!!
Like Zacchia, I got a similar error while attempting to update from the toolbar in my Sketchup session. Evidently, I must remove the current version of the manager before updating? I did not see this as a possible requirement in the instructions. I may have missed it. I assumed it would overwrite.EDIT: After logging out of everything, closing the Sketchup program, and later restarting Sketchup, clicking on the Sketchucation toolbar, it appears that the conditions resolved themselves.
Just wanted to let you know. -
@mitcorb said:
Like Zacchia, I got a similar error while attempting to update from the toolbar in my Sketchup session. Evidently, I must remove the current version of the manager before updating? I did not see this as a possible requirement in the instructions. I may have missed it. I assumed it would overwrite.EDIT: After logging out of everything, closing the Sketchup program, and later restarting Sketchup, clicking on the Sketchucation toolbar, it appears that the conditions resolved themselves.
Just wanted to let you know.It should come up with a message when you update itself - to restart SketchUp to complete the changes...
However, that said... there's a new update for this toolset [due soon] and that should resolve this issue anyway... -
Thank you, sir. -
I'm having this issue that when I try to AutoInstall a picked plugin, it shows that it downloads asks for permission to install and nothing further. Anyone else having this issue? It used to work great for me.
@rspierenburg said:
I'm having this issue that when I try to AutoInstall a picked plugin, it shows that it downloads asks for permission to install and nothing further. Anyone else having this issue? It used to work great for me.
Have you checked that 'security permissions' to the Plugins folder are set FULL read/write?
If on MAC ensure the changes apply to all contents too...
You haven't given us your OS/version in your User Profile...
If you don't have proper permissions you should be told when the installer checks, BUT occasionally subtle limitations can affect things had rip up the checker.
If you are on PC check that the Plugins folder does have FULL permissions for all entries listed and that it does not have a 'custom icon' [I know that sounds silly but having one could affect its permissions very slightly, although they'll still report as 'FULL']. Also look in the top-bars of the Plugins folder's Windows Explorer window - is there a 'Compatibility Files...' link/button? - this a sure sign of limited permissions - Windows is installing files in a VirtualStore NOT the Plugins folder, and it's NOT telling you !
These installation issues are almost always down to 'folder permissions'... -
Has anyone else noticed that on the website version of the plugin store. Under categories or authors with multiple pages of plugins. TIG for example. The "Next" and "Last" page buttons no longer have any effect. I click on them, the page reloads but the list hasn't changed. I noticed this problem a couple days ago. it remains the same in all the browsers I've tried including Firefox, Chrome, IE, and on my smartphone. and remains after clearing the cache and cookies. I've included a link to a short ScreenCap as an example.
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@gydrik said:
......website version of the plugin store. Under categories or authors with multiple pages of plugins. TIG for example. The "Next" and "Last" page buttons no longer have any effect.....
Thank you very much for noticing. Hopefully this bug is corrected now.
Recently we made some SEO work on the pluginstore WEB version, probably the bug was a result of this. Please try it out and let me know if any problem remained or not.