How many of you have updated to SU 2013?
Me neither, I've installed it but still using version 8
Perhaps when I'll see some good native UV tool I might start using a new version -
I have converted, but primary because of the enhancements made in LayOut, which I use on a daily basis...
If I didn't use LO - or only used it sometimes - I would most likely still be using SU 8 Pro... Hint, hintHaving said that... I do, however, assume that some of the "hidden" improvements (the ones they've told us have been made "under the hood") will also mean that we will see some more obvious (read: to the user) new features...
Only time will show... -
Yes I upgraded. Primarily because of LO which I use a lot.
I installed "Sketchup 2013," to be on the current state. I generally use Sketchup 8.
No upgrade for our company to date. Still waiting to see the future direction of SU in full. Without the free edition available for commercial use by my occasional users I have no compelling reason to move forward and many reasons not to.
I think I may be the norm - I'm not sure whether to click Yes or No on the survey. I upgraded to 2013 but generally use 8 (I even reset my preferences so the default program to open SketchUp files is 8). 2013 works fine for me but I only use LO on a limited basis and not with any of the new features (I haven't tried the hatch command yet) so the only difference between using 2013 vs 8 is having to remember to save down to V8 for other people who need to access my files. Easier just to work in 8 and not have to remember to do that.
Still on good old 7.1
I upgraded at work, but not at home yet due to laziness.
Prefere to wait mature version!
Just arrived on the V7! -
I upgraded but then when I saw how sloppy Trimble implemented the conversion to free I removed the program in total.
By sloppy I mean they leave all the Layout and StyleMaker code on your machine which are files for the Pro version -
I made the upgrade solely because a crash bug that was caused by a conflict with V-Ray 1.6 and how SKM materials were being handled was fixed in 2013. I have been using it for about 2 weeks now and see no real performance improvements but at the same time have not had any major issues with it either.
The thing that annoys me the most is getting used to the new icons and how the default SU toolbars stack side by side in single rows now instead of double up like they used to. I can't tell you how many times I click scale when I want push-pull. I hope that they bring in a save workspace feature, like Photoshop. Anyway, it's a pretty lackluster update but it did fix a few bugs so for me it was worth it.
I upgraded just for the suggested improvements in LO speed.
I still have to get used to the new interface in SketchUp. I liked the old interface and after using it for several years day after day I struggle with the new layout. Why isn't there an option to use the old interface layout instead of the new one?!
I was thinking about upgrading this week...
nope. A purely budgetary decision. Why would I pay for something I already have. I see no improvement whatsoever in what I use SU for.
I'm not going to update until all the questions and problems associated with 2013 here on the forums subside. And, really, maybe not even then, as I haven't heard about anything new in it that I need. Still don't understand why Trimble laid this on us when it wasn't really worth the effort. A really big missed opportunity on their part, IMHO.
Agree with hellnback
- why upgrade to an environment that'll take me ages to acclimatise to. There are no advantages to being an early adopter, especially in one-man shops like mine.
When Trimble make some real changes (e.g. bring back .shp import, introduce real arcs, fix plane clipping, open api or whatever to enable real-time Excel/.xls work, oh and how about a simple built-in spreadsheet too) then I would change.
I wonder if Jason Maranto decided to upgrade or just leave it...
no improvements >>> no update!
Why should i update it? To get a Trimble folder instead of the Google one? Or for the ugly icons? To feel good by paying a subscription fee? No... thanks!
I'm a daily user and came here for info on whether to upgrade or not. It seems, based on the reviews here that I makes no sense. The upgrade price is not a factor. If there was some major improvement. Speed, 64bit, new tools etc. I do not use LO. I guess I'll wait a while.