TECLA Palladio
I have found this old one!
ok. we will wait until you can release the plugin, hopefully with explanations as to what it does and how.
@unknownuser said:
I have found this old one!
yeah, this is my dxf importer in SU....
Palladio is quite different, it reads one (or several dxfs) and, automatically, builds the building!!! it needs only some typical measure for each floor, such as the wall height, floor thickness and so on... -
New versuon will be in English? Or maybe create language file.
its very important tools and its look great ...
i have tried to download the alpha but the lang was very hard to understand
please make sure it will come out in english too ...keep us informed
Interesting approach
. It is like Dibac second part. Does it structures SU model based on DXF layers names information? Custom layer names or predefined by plugin? How to change model? Is there something like "refresh" button?
@srx said:
Does it structures SU model based on DXF layers names information? Custom layer names or predefined by plugin?
yes. Palladio looks into the DXF for standard layers such
Walls, WALLS, walls, wall, WALL
Doors, DOORS, doors, door,DOOR
Windows, WINDOWS, windows, windowand so on .... but if you draw a wall inside the "0" layer or "John" or everything else you can select it from a dropdown menu list....
@srx said:
How to change model? Is there something like "refresh" button?
i.e. after the model is builted reimport a new, different, dxf and change things are modified? No, I think it is faster to manipulate geometry directly inside SU.
That makes a happy gnome!
Oohhh... This sure looks very interesting...!
Can you tell us about what the price will be...?
Regarding the language, I assume it will be configurable, but please confirm... -
yeah, it will be free....I think to realize two version: free and pro, as SU..... but I'm not sure of it....
update: some bugs found. Now at work in order to solve.... for the moment, have a look at my site
http://alessandrobarracco.wix.com/tecla-palladio -
Will this come in English as well? looks great. If I just hadn't lost every file I had...
Does your plugin make that ?
A cupola from a circular plane?
@krisidious said:
Will this come in English as well? looks great.
@krisidious said:
If I just hadn't lost every file I had...
what do you mean for?
@unknownuser said:
Does your plugin make that ?
A cupola from a circular plane?
Not at the present version..... only orizontal floors.
@bomastudio said:
@krisidious said:
If I just hadn't lost every file I had...
what do you mean for?
Oh I was just lamenting the fact I had lost all my Autocad and SketchUp files last year due to a system failure.