Thanks for reply. I'm a bit confused ... resuming everythings:
I have my ruby *.rb extension. I want to protect it form piracy. So I scramble it (I discovered with my surprise that SU>2015+ has new APIs for it.....waiting for Trimble approval of my Developer status).....
But meanwhile, using the "old" *.rbs files..... each user needs to get a personalized, with its own datas (personal and hardware), rbs file.
So, I think to use my personal server, hosting the Scrambler.exe, and using PHP+POST methods retrieve user infos, send it to the server, work on it somewhat, scramble the extension and finally return it to the user ONE-PER-USER....
Theorically it seems to be good (to me) but my trouble starts as I have a Linux server and the Scrambler is and *.exe..... but.... Linux+Wine works like a charm (tested by me)..... so the final question was "How I can build everythings in PHP?".... making it simple.... RaspberryPI can use Wine ONLY into a chrooted environment....and PHP seems not to like it.....
So I'm looking for a different strategy....
I have read all your suggestions and ..... I'm trying to design a way to work.....
Why I decided to be a software developer?..... I have to design airplane.....I have to design airplane....