Honeycomb lamp
Seems a Zorro2 with Steroรฏds !
Where is this cool plugin?
Why not use eclate displace again ?
Fracture + Physics =
Another funny one
Zorro2 by Whaat
Random Painter by Chris Fullmer
Face to components by TIG
Eclate displace by C Plassay & me
Thickness to components by SDmitch -
Can you make a 3D point cloud, triangulate and then intersect with model? hmmmmm.....
Another breakable tool!
Does this released ?
Seems yes! Very cool as plugin! And works on very old computers!
Oli!! Post a step by step tutorial, how are you making such complex biological theme forms?
Yes boss!
click for a surrpise
Okay...that is cool!
cant see it on safari. bloody macs.
Have you updated your Safari version ?
All of the newest main-stream browsers now have WebGL abilities by default etc... -
It's working on modern Safari browsers as Driven has tested.
Must be your older Mac causing the issue.
So that's what the Software Update button does?
Haven't upgraded my OS either!
As TIG said these error messages show that WebGL is either not enabled or the browser is not WebGL compatible. Upgrade to a WebGL compatible one.
Time to ditch that machine and join the 21st century.