Cloth, fabrics, towels, bedding, rugs and stuff like that.
Looking at issue 51 of 3D Artist it seems that you can do some cloth draping in Blender as well (there's a good Marvelous Designer tutorial in the same issue).
I'll have to see if I can set aside some time to go through the tutorials this weekend.
some tests....
Hit me up you know where
Here's another old test....
quickie test using cheetah
http://www.cheetah3d.comi couldn't figure out how to keep the texture in place prior to collision.. or how to stop the fabric from jiggling afterwards.. or how to draw a chair... but..
The actual result is a bit unnatural but highly impressive.
@rich o brien said:
The actual result is a bit unnatural but highly impressive.
yeah, it's too rubbery looking.
also just realized I uploaded the wrong gif.. the other one is longer and shows that it doesn't stop moving. tapatalking now so..dunno, I'd probably have to fiddle with it for a few hours to figure it out better
@unknownuser said:
.. or how to draw a chair...
Well... It's difficult and it also depends on the choice of chair you want to make...
Let me talk you through this...
1.) Open SU
2.) Select the "Rectangle" tool
(if you prefer round shaped legs, you simply select the "Circle" tool instead...)
3.) Now.......
Thought at first, Solo made it all in pure sketchup,I was dumbfounded til I read further.
But really, hats off to Solo for that perfect UV job.Cloth modifiers in 3ds max and similar tools in blender does it so well and even animate it perfectly. That is letting the computer do the artistry and spare yourself from such tedious repetitive work (speed depends on ram though).
I wonder if its ever possible to make a plugin like this directly in sketchup in the current or in the future releases...
Hey congrats Pete for getting some stuff loaded in the shop! I hope the reward for the BIG effort now comes your way!
Wow, finally had a play with Blender's cloth sim. Pretty amazing how simple and very effective it is!
Rug should be very easy. Be shure to take a good texture and make a nice spec- and bumpmap