Zoom to extents.
Mike, you might also find it interesting to know there's a different "Zoom Extents" in the context menu. If you right click on a selection and choose Zoom Extents, the view zooms to show that selection instead of the whole model.
I've set mine up as shift-z and I use it all the time. I also switch my z from "zoom" to "zoom window" since my middle scroll wheel acts as my regular zoomm tool.
weird.. i'm a shift-Z er as well..
(native zoom extents shortcut is cmmd-[ on mac.. it's too far to the right (i.e.- navigation hand) for my tastes in keystrokes..)
@chris fullmer said:
I've set mine up as shift-z and I use it all the time...
That's the native SU shortcut.
@dave r said:
Mike, you might also find it interesting to know there's a different "Zoom Extents" in the context menu. If you right click on a selection and choose Zoom Extents, the view zooms to show that selection instead of the whole model.
Thanks Dave, I really meant for those situations where the model is gone from view and all sketchup does is go into 'save' or 'busy' mode. Situations where tearing of hair and gnashing of teeth occur too frequently for good health. Used the now 'found' zoom to extents and am able to find my way without satnav, two packs of hunting hounds and a weeks rations.
Thanks for all the replies guys, I have at least leaned something new for the week so all it well for now...........
I understood that Mike. I just wanted to point out that there's also this other option which can come in handy.
Hi folks.
If you right click on the name of a group or component in the Outliner windowto get a contextual menu and then choose Zoom extentsin this menu, the view zooms on this particular group or particular instance of this component.
Just ideas.
@gaieus said:
@chris fullmer said:
I've set mine up as shift-z and I use it all the time...
That's the native SU shortcut.
Haaha, and I thought I was SOOOO clever!
@jean lemire said:
Hi folks.
If you right click on the name of a group or component in the Outliner windowto get a contextual menu and then choose Zoom extentsin this menu, the view zooms on this particular group or particular instance of this component.
Just ideas.
Wow! Didn't know that.
Hi jpalm32, hi folks.
@jpalm32 said:
@jean lemire said:
Hi folks.
If you right click on the name of a group or component in the Outliner windowto get a contextual menu and then choose Zoom extentsin this menu, the view zooms on this particular group or particular instance of this component.
Just ideas.
Wow! Didn't know that .
I posted that to show that there are a lot of usefull functions that are often overlooked since many new (and not so new) users forget to check if a context menu is available for objects or items or dialog or tools, or whatever.
The first thing that I teach new users for any software is:
1 - Open each and every menu and sub menus and sus-sub menus to read what lays there. Judging by the questions aked here and also in the Google hel groups dedicated to SketchUp (SU), many have never done that. Having done that, they would have found the Help Menu that gives access to the Help Center.
2 - Place the cursor on each tool icon to read its name which, usually, is a good clue to its use.
3 - Right click on all objects, icons, menus, buttons, items that are shown to see if any context menu lies somewhere.
4 - Print the Quick Reference Card.
5 - Read the help, especially about the user interface. For SU, you soon discover the extreme importance, especially for beginners, of the status bar that sits at the bottom of the Model Window where SU is constantly giving clues as what to do after the selection of a tool, for example, and also about the Measurement tool bar that sits also at the bottom but the right of the Model Window.
6 - Take a few hours to view all the video tutorials that can also be accessed from the Help Center.
7 - Search the Youtube channel dedicated to SketchUp
Just ideas.