PushPull question
...mmm...thanks sdmitch
How can a script 'know' which faces want which heights?
This is a part manual method that avoids having to write an entire Tool where you pick by incrementing values.
It minimizes the picking etc needed...
Select all of the faces to be processed.
Copy then Paste the one-liner [below] into the Ruby Console + <enter>
ALL selected faces are Pushpulled by1.05.m
Selection tool [spacebar], hold Ctrl+Shift and click the face[s] that are now at the desired height, so they are removed from the selection.
Repeat the Paste with the same one-liner into the Ruby Console + <enter>
Currently selected faces are Pushpulled by another1.05.m
Repeat till done...
This must be done ~100 times in all !d=1.05.m;m=Sketchup.active_model;m.start_operation('p');s=m.selection;z=0;s.each{|e|(z=e.bounds.center.z+d;e.pushpull(d))if e.is_a?(Sketchup;;Face)};m.active_entities.each{|e|s.add(e)if e.is_a?(Sketchup;;Face)&& e.bounds.center.z==z};m.commit_operation
It is one step undo-able...
You could make a toolbar button or a menu item from it and a shortcut key to avoid having to paste into the Console... -
no idea TIG
I just thought that if you could make a random push for a lot of faces it could be possible to change the random and establish the exact distance to push.
but,..., so far so good.
Thanks for answering. -
One of the things I do when I have to do a lot of these stepped pushpulls is to make a visual reference (lines, points or anything that is stacked vertically).
That saves me the hassle of typing the values each time and just keep push pulling one by one. Just a method.
Cheers! -
Of course you don't have to type a PushPull value every time. a double click on a face while in PushPull will repeat the last used distance, but I accept that when the steps get more than a few multiple clicking can become tedious, so the idea of making some vertically spaced lines/guides can help a lot...
Juan, do you have a CAD program? It might be easier to set the elevations in CAD, export back to SU, and use the Sandbox tools. Unless of course, you actually want the stepped geometry.
TIG, would it be possible for a script to run based on the order of the selection. For example, the script would start by asking for a contour interval, n. Then the user would select the lines, and the script would apply n1, n2, etc. based on the order that the lines were selected. There would be a problem if multiple lines needed the same elevation so the user may need to run the script more than once for a given set of contours.
As an alternative, is there a way to create a dialog box where the z could be user defined, similar to CAD? Ideally, this should be integrated into the entity info box by the Trimble SketchUp team.
@flyashy said:
One of the things I do when I have to do a lot of these stepped pushpulls is to make a visual reference (lines, points or anything that is stacked vertically).
That saves me the hassle of typing the values each time and just keep push pulling one by one. Just a method.
Yes I have been doing that too .@unknownuser said:
Juan,... Unless of course, you actually want the stepped geometry.
Yes I do sometimes
@sdmitch said:
Doubtful, since it would be difficult if not imposible to identify the order of the contours/faces. ** At best, an interactive plugin, that would accept a starting elevation and increment, could do the pushpull as you click on each successive face.**
sdmitch kindly sent me a script that does it and it is a time_saver ¡
I do hope he posts it public
Cheers -
Ok thanks rami_lpm
getting easier to achieve the stepped geometry I am looking for . -
@rami_lpm said:
Here's a plugin (another?) that does what you asked.
Please posts plugins in their own separate thread - they otherwise get lost when burried deep into thread like this.
Here's a plugin (another?) that does what you asked.
Moved the plugin Stepped Extrude to it's own post.