How to deform ovalish object
The box is here :Menu WIndow / Soften edges
Else subdivision modeling for Sketchup is here
Artisan by Whaat (39$ )
A free very basic is here by Rick Wilson
or more recent with another concept by guitar listAll for segments and vertex is here : Vertex Tools by Thomthom (20 $)
About the neck
Why do you say that is not more part of the body ?@unknownuser said:
but it did not connect with the body already. How to connect it?
Seems it is
In front view inside the level of the group / component
Just make a box selection from right to left (so else who touch this box is selected) on the "cone neck"
then right click / reverse facesWhen you move a segment of the neck it moves also the body, so it's makes part of the body
The color. Why the neck has blue color and the body is white?
Reversed faces.
Yep reverse face : blue can't receive the light of sun (so internal faces - backface)
White = receive the light of sun (so external faces)Useful for the render program !
If you select one face of a volume* then right Click / Orient faces (different than Reverse faces !!! )
all faces of the volume will take the "work's color" (blue or white) of the first face clicked!- if the volume is well built
- if the volume is well built
I've got it.
Any suggestions how to correct shoulders muscles, up on collar bone? So called posterior lateral triangle of Trapezius muscle? This is the muscle which leads from top of shoulder up to neck.
Also I tried the Cross Section tool to add a circle bellow neck from Tgi3D, but it writes to me: Cannot resolve cross section. This is after I reversed the neck faces. I don't know if it is the cause, because this should not have effect. I click just outside the neck. Try.
Do you know some video tutorial how to model head from the sphere or oval? This head does not look good at all. I don't need to model face, but just the main proportions of the head.
Q: When I try to rotate arms, should I rotate it outside or inside model? I see my model's arms are not exactly in same (mirrored) position.
If you want really sculpt anatomy, maybe Sketchup is not the best tool for that
of course you can use the Vertextools's "old school" polygon sculpting![flash=560,315:uck4kicz][/flash:uck4kicz]
Try more Sculptris, a free crazzy one !
Or if you want more elaboate body in SU use the Free Make Human and imort it inside SKetchup !
That is the method of Orgelf!
@unknownuser said:
Q: When I try to rotate arms, should I rotate it outside or inside model?
I see my model's arms are not exactly in same (mirrored) position.If it's component themselves : rotate it outside the component else all other componant (mirrored) will rotate also!
@unknownuser said:
Also I tried the Cross Section tool to add a circle bellow neck from Tgi3D,
I have not this one so can't answer
@unknownuser said:
Any suggestions how to correct
add some segments and move them but it's very difficult work!
About video
type sculpt face modeling in youtube -
Yeah, that is exactly that case as I mention here: when I rotated the arms (outside of component), they were not correct (same angles), but I did not see that. Even now after correction, they are not on 100% same angles. I would like to see some plugin for situation like this.
You are right, I have seen this and they use mirroring function. -
@unknownuser said:
they are not on 100% same angles. I would like to see some plugin for situation like this.
No need of plugin for that
Just take this who is in good position then make a "scale -1" in the direction wished! -
@unknownuser said:
@unknownuser said:
Q: When I try to rotate arms, should I rotate it outside or inside model?
I see my model's arms are not exactly in same (mirrored) position.If it's component themselves : rotate it outside the component else all other component (mirrored) will rotate also!
Sure I did so. But it is rotation like in y1=60Β°; y2=-60Β°; x1=13Β°; x2=-13Β°; and so ... it is mirrored...
So when I started to rotate the arm, so I had to rotate 1st arm and then the 2nd arm. So there is result that they are not same angle. Because I did not check the angle, when I started to do it. Now it looks like it is better then it was before.
I rotated head and removed the sides because they were deformed. I try to close the head now but when I draw the circle so it does not fit. Do you have idea why and what to do with it?
Or better I should take the ovalish head first and scale it to make rounded head... But how to fix that. Sizes are 0,23x0,21m and I want 0,23x0,23. But with tape I can only change the scale with ratio 1:1...
True, I don't know why I did not think about that (scale one direction). It should work. I'll test tomorrow.
Scale tool by one direction ?
Draw a line with the good measure for snap on itAbout the close circle in the file you post
Just draw a diameter
That close it ! -
Yes In general drawing any line who close an "hole plane surface" close this surface an make it "physic"
I have not this tool
what is the meaning of S, H, G, W, E ,L, C ? -