SCF members opinions needed on site advertising!
I have ad-block and flash-block running all the time.
I then enable ad's/flash either permanently (like here) or temporarily for just that one viewing. -
@paul russam said:
I have ad-block and flash-block running all the time.
I then enable ad's/flash either permanently (like here) or temporarily for just that one viewing.I do the same
I've acquired so much from SCF I'll tolerate anything that makes you income!
I think the SCF ads are relevant, tastefull and are not high pressure. I have even responded to some- which I do very seldom in other areas. I really hate the flashing lights and junky stuff peddled in most internet ads.
It's good to have a reminder every so often to help everyone understand how this site is supported. I used to use adblock all the time, but with more awareness, I've been turning it off for sites I frequent that I want to support their revenue sources. I've had adblock off for SCF for some time, and have never felt the ads to be intrusive.
I take the same point of view as Jim Smith and andybot wrt the Sketchucation ads. I understand why they are there, and I do not use any type of adblock in general, at least as far as I know. All of the ads inserted in the pages are visible to me. Of course, I do not appreciate popups, but I don't experience these too much, elsewhere. (watch that change since I mentioned it.)
Probably the worst type of ads are the ones buried in text in articles, or blogs and when you accidentally mouse over they block further reading. That's when I bail. -
@mitcorb said:
Probably the worst type of ads are the ones buried in text in articles, or blogs and when you accidentally mouse over they block further reading. That's when I bail.
Yes, they are terrible - the ones that creates hyperlinks all over the article where keywords appear.
@mitcorb said:
I take the same point of view as Jim Smith and andybot wrt the Sketchucation ads. I understand why they are there, and I do not use any type of adblock in general, at least as far as I know. All of the ads inserted in the pages are visible to me. Of course, I do not appreciate popups, but I don't experience these too much, elsewhere. (watch that change since I mentioned it.)
Probably the worst type of ads are the ones buried in text in articles, or blogs and when you accidentally mouse over they block further reading. That's when I bail.+1
At first I did not like them...but now I have grown accustomed to them and don't mind them. I've even clicked one or two adds to find out more about the developer, which I have NEVER done on any other website.
Thanks guys for the comments.
I know that many members do in fact use Ad Block on a permanent basis here on SketchUcation and this is something we have to live with. Just looking at the stats, 348 views and 42 poll completions gives a rough indication as to the possible level of Ad Block use
We do however try and keep the advertising content very relevant and of interest to our users and I think we do a pretty good job in this regard. I am glad to see such a positive response to the 'I would like to see a total list of all Plug-in and 3rd Party Apps in one location on SCF' option.
I have a feeling that many users that have Ad Block installed and running may well be curious at times as to what adverts are running here, and possibly out of curiosity would view such a page! We will be giving serous thought to implementing such a page and may even incorporate in with the Member's NETWORK page that we are working on.
Again, thanks for your help.
@mike lucey said:
I have a feeling that many users that have Ad Block installed and running may well be curious at times as to what adverts are running here, and possibly out of curiosity would view such a page! We will be giving serous thought to implementing such a page and may even incorporate in with the Member's NETWORK page that we are working on.
I would just like to add - thankyou for asking!
I can't think of any other forum or website that I use where the developers have actually thought to seek the opinion of their users regarding their ad policy. And your policy works well IMHO - I have always found the ad's to be both relevant and discreet. -
I don't use any kind of ad blocker, but I also pretty much ignore ads (although subliminal exposure to company names logos probably at least establish name recognition), so ad away if it helps you. What I can't ignore and find most annoying (thankfully they aren't employed here, and hope they never are) are the window pop-up ads that appear in the center of your screen. I hope I never see those on here.
Just a though as I looked at the poll again - to me the question about using adblock for selected sites is somewhat backwards IMO. I use a filter list, and then whitelist out sites that I don't mind having advertising on. It's much simpler than going through and blacklisting sites. Maybe the question could be - "do you allow adblock to let SCF serve advertising." I'm curious if other people usually use the filter lists too.
edit: hmmm, then the next question is I do not use adblock for SCF. Well, guess I'm just a bit confused as to the intention of the questions.
My answer is missing.
"I use AdBlock on most of the sites I visit but there are exceptions"
(OR: "I do NOT use AdBlock on selected sites")
I have nothing against the ads here at SCF. However I dislike the oneliner ads that has reappeared at the bottom of all threads.
IF they are necessary they should be marked with a different color so that they are not mistaken for a user post. -
@pixero said:
I have nothing against the ads here at SCF. However I dislike the oneliner ads that has reappeared at the bottom of all threads.
IF they are necessary they should be marked with a different color so that they are not mistaken for a user post.Good point Jan. We will do what you suggest.
SCF has some of the best targeted advertsing I've seen. It's a 3d related site that adevertises 3d related things. No penis enhacers , no guaranteed 50000$ dollars prizes, etc...
The advertising here is pretty discreet and useful , but I do agree about that last on line advert and I'm glad it's taken care of.
I personally don't bother with adblock software. If a site has excesive stupid adverts than I'll rarely visit it anyway. I really hate those adverts that just pop up in front of an article you want to read and have to wait till you can close them and the X button is all over the place.
@marian said:
SCF has some of the best targeted advertsing I've seen. It's a 3d related site that adevertises 3d related things. No penis enhacers , no guaranteed 50000$ dollars prizes, etc...
No, Mike is doing an excellent job with collecting relevant advertisers. In fact, no-one can advertise here before the ad is approved. I remember once a dating (?) site also signed up and he went and declined and paid back instead of allowing the ad (and now that I am married already, I have no problem with that of course)