Trimble Version
There been a new version of Sketchup. The first Trimble version. But it's not possible to download the english version
Hmm, are you sure about the new version? I've Googled extensively but I'm unable to locate nothing newer than the last SU8 version, english or otherwise ... Perhaps a link would be useful?
Whenever there's a new version there usually has been rough bumps the first hours or so. When it's announced on their blog it's usually all working. Just wait it out and see what happens.
Maybe he means the last new version (SU8M3). It was released the days of the transition, but it was released under the name "Google" (although that doesn't say anything, as well as Trimble, bacause it's always the same people who make SketchUp).
You should look here for an overview of the different language versions:
@unknownuser said:
But it's not possible to download the english version
Well, it's not forbidden, so if it's not possible then there must be another reason (can you tell us more details?). If the download gets interrupted, try a download manager .
Ok it seems that was not a mistake, but a release-in-progress. The latest is now Maintenance Release 4.
It works here!
Just posted a screenshot from the about box in this topic:
Yes it works now and loaded fine for me.
So... it's out at last
Have to accept new license agreement... Did any of you read it?
Yes... same dross as before... everything deemed to be included is deemed to be excluded, and vice versa etc - just sign in blood...
Lawyers have a great time writing such stuff so that later on 'they' as a profession can make more money arguing about every misplaced comma and what was 'really' meant by the agreement...
The more words they add the more it can go wrong !
What ever happened to a simple contract ? -
I didn't read it... I just click and wait for something wonderful to happen. I'm often disappointed. as with this all I get is new Icons I won't recognized for a month or two.
I miss the old logo.
@unknownuser said:
"By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you represent that you are 18 years old or older and capable of entering into a legally binding agreement."
I have to speak to my son - he is 9
Interesting. I just downloaded and installed the Trimble Branded version and while it sports the new logo, it still installs into a Google SketchUp 8 folder ....
As I understand it... Trimble decided that until at least v9 Trimble they would keep the original 'Google folder structure', to avoid any unneeded upset to users with custom plugins in these etc...
Someone got paid good money to come up with a coherent "treble of related logos" - I for one think they are 'OK' - they ARE different... but then this is no longer @Last OR Google - so embrace Trimble - at least with a tiny hug ?
Will this site be Trimblucation now lol?