[Plugin] TIG-export_SKP_by_layer.rb
(c) TIG 2012-2017
Usage: Type into the Ruby Console
Exports everything in the current Model into a set of SKP files 'by Layer',
Faces with Edges on another layer take those Edges with them.
Potential duplicate layer/skp names are suffixed _1 etc...
Unused 'empty' layers are ignored.
The files are named 'modelname-layername.skp'
Only -a-zA-Z0-9 are used in the file-name, all other characters become ''With v2.0 exported SKPs are put into a 'SKP_by_layer' subfolder with the model.
*With v2.0 you can pass an optional argument to save the SKPs as another version
e.g. for SketchUp version 8 SKPs pass 8.TIG.export_SKP_by_layer(8)
The version passed must be lower than the Current SketchUp version.
Allowable versions are: 8, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017.
Note the version passed must be an integer, not a string.
Passing anything else defaults the SKPs to the Current version.
Note: with SketchUp < v2014 a different version cannot be specified,
if one is passed, then it is ignored and it defaults to the Current version.You might need to manually delete any unwanted SKB/~.SKP backup files in the
sub-folder...v2.0 20171105
Now compatible with newer versions of SketchUp.
Exported SKPs are put into a 'SKP_by_layer' subfolder with the model.
Optional SKP version argument added to the command*.
Unused Components, Layers & Materials are properly purged from the SKPs.
v2.1 20171105
Layer which exported is not switched ON.
If the SKP's entities is empty a guide-point is added at the ORIGIN.Download the latest version from the PluginStore https://sketchucation.com/pluginstore?pln=TIG_export_SKP_by_layer
Thanks TIG
(14 downloads and no comments
That's life - ungrateful bunch !
@tig said:
That's life - ungrateful bunch !
could be we're just a bunch of slackers when it comes to testing and haven't yet checked it out
Sounds useful but I don't have a use for it at the moment. Thanks for thinking of useful things even before there is a use for them.
I think it will be useful when a model will need to be used by another application .... provided "meaningful" layer naming has been used.
Nice one.
thanks a lot TIG .... thanks
best for exporting to 3Ds maxdo you have a plan to make it more ? .. a menu .. a toolbar ..
do you let me creat a Icon for it ?
- topic:timeago-later,about a month
- topic:timeago-later,17 days
Using this script, can you export SKP layers as .pdf files?
Thank you.
@halftonejones said:
Using this script, can you export SKP layers as .pdf files?
Thank you.
If you want a PDF there's the built in Print to a 2d vector PDF tools, or use a 2d raster PDF system printer like PDF995 ? The built in version only does edges/faces etc and no shadow info is retained.
You would need to re-construe the code to get a desired layer/view and then NOT use 'export' but rather 'write_image'.@model.active_view.refresh keys={ ;filename => imgpath, ;width => vpw, ;height => vph, ;antialias => false, ;compression => 0.9 } @model.active_view.write_image(keys)
This code snippet taken from Slicer5's export_to_png code is for a PNG file, where 'imgpath' tells us where to save it. The equivalent for a PDF would be similar...
Thanks TIG! layers to 3DS! yes.
- topic:timeago-later,15 days
I am having trouble finding out where to locate and how to actually use the plugin...
any help would be much appreciated!
thank you,
I was going to say much the same... but thanks to John !
His explanation is better than mine anyway -
Thank you TIG! I didn't knew i need this one until i read the description! Life saver, really
Originally I did that approach and it was not recognizing it... now on a monday morning it works... Figures! haha
The program must have checked out for the week/weekend Friday...
Thank you for the timely response,
- topic:timeago-later,about a month
Thanks TIG!
- topic:timeago-later,5 years
Just a quick question regarding your Layers to SKP plugin:
I have been searching for some ways to get SKP into Revit, and have a couple workflows that I am able to use well currently, however I am trying to just find some quick optimizations and found your old plugin! I am currently using SKP Pro 2015, and just tried your script and this is what the ruby console spat back at me:
Exporting from...
Error: #<TypeError: reference to deleted Layers>
C:/Users//AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2015/SketchUp/Plugins/TIG-export_SKP_by_layer.rb:43:inpurge_unused' C:/Users/*****/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2015/SketchUp/Plugins/TIG-export_SKP_by_layer.rb:43:in
block in export_SKP_by_layer'
C:/Users//AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2015/SketchUp/Plugins/TIG-export_SKP_by_layer.rb:40:ineach' C:/Users/*****/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2015/SketchUp/Plugins/TIG-export_SKP_by_layer.rb:40:in
<main>:in<main>' SketchUp:1:in
eval'I am using a Mac Laptop with Windows 10 on Parallels if that info helps at all? Anyway, it just creates the first "RVT2SKP-Layer0.skp" file and then stops... I am wondering what is going wrong?
If we can get past this hurdle, one feature I have been looking for in this whole deal is to make sure that whatever files are saved, are saved in SKP8 format
Let me know if you can see where I am erring...
Thanks! -
Updated v2.0 now available.
See first post full full chanage-log: http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=422953#p422953@unknownuser said:
v2.0 20171105
Now compatible with newer versions of SketchUp.
Exported SKPs are put into a 'SKP_by_layer' subfolder with the model.
Optional SKP version argument added to the command*.
Unused Components, Layers & Materials are properly purged from the SKPs.SketchUp Plugins | PluginStore | SketchUcation
SketchUp Plugin and Extension Store by SketchUcation provides free downloads of hundreds of SketchUp extensions and plugins