Face me components.
Trying to introduce a candle flame to a candle wick with a face me item. Fine until I move the view to render, the face me component starts rotating around a completely arbitrary point and is hovering to one side of the candle wick.
Is there a way around this? I looked at google groups and it was apparently NOT a problem until v7.1........
Mike, have you tried moving the component's axes so the origin is centered under the flame?
I also suspect what Dave says... Have a look at this little tutorial I made. There are two ways to adjust the component origin (i.e. the axis of rotation): one is when you are creating the component, there is a "set component axes" button - and there is another way if you missed this (shown in this tut at around 0:55):
Thank you for the tut. I didn't know that too.
I made this little component a while back. Just import into your model and scale as needed. Use it for any images you want to face the camera. It's sized for people PNGs, but you can use it for whatever.