Text resizing
Is normal that when I zoom in/out the text does not resize accordingly ?
yes.. it's normal if your text is set in points as opposed to height..
(on mac) go:
window -> model info -> text
click the 'font' button under the desired type (dimensions/leader/screen)
at the top right corner of the fonts panel, you'll set two radio buttons for points or height.. choose height.
now, your text will be shown in actual measurements.. it will be 12" tall (or whatever) and will function the same way regarding zoom as a 12" long line would.(likewise (for pre existing text in your model) you can choose 'select all ______ text' in the text panel, change to height, then click 'update selected text')
Thank you, I've done what you suggested and it works.
I cannot get the text in the center of a simple 2d rectangle I drew.
As I try to move it to the center it scrolls to the right or to the left with its arrow.
Is at all possible to put it on the center ?
Thanks ! -
The Text floats in 3d above its picked point,
You can minimize the distance when placing it, or adjusting the text later [use the Text tool again, but pick some existing Text rather than making some new Text]To have 'truly' fixed text that is glued onto a surface and moves with it you need to think about using some 3d_Text.
Then because 'native' 3d_Text is not editable after it's made there are also so scripted solutions, like my 2dText tool - which actually uses a component containing 3d_Text glued to a picked surface - that is fully editable later...
Remember always ensure you understand the 'native toolset' before jumping into complex plugins - they might do what you want, but a simple 'built-in' method might often be easier, better, quicker...
Thank you for your help, thing is I think I would be better off with a more 2D specialized software,
we'll see... Thank you for the moment -
SUp v8 Pro has 'Layout' which allows 2d/3d sheet-creation using live-links into SKPs and other documents... with 2d drawing and text tools too...