Environmental reflections
Hi guys
could somebody help clear this up for me, hopefully in a detailed and straight forward way.
Essentially I want to encorporate the tones and colours from a site photo into the colours of the model but more importantly in the reflections of the building.
In the past I have simply modeled the surrounding context and this has worked, in this case however it wont, now I've read the tutorials about using a Bitmap for GI and BG but have had mixed results I really need to retain the shadows from the sketchup sky at the same time as well, could anyone clear this up for me please, do I put the bitmap into GI or BG and what setting would I use?
VRAY 1.48 and Sketchup 7
Take a look at this tutorial VIDEO .
You will have good results with HDR bitmaps for GI and BG.
Thanks for the speedy response, it seems like quite along work around but at least I get to learn more about the software!
Do you know if this works as well for bitmaps and if not why not?
@n3v said:
Do you know if this works as well for bitmaps and if not why not?
Yes, you can use "regular" bitmaps instead of HDR. You'll just have best results with HDR.
Ok Cheers
i'm guessing you've watched that vid, is there any reason why he turns the physical camera off? would this still work?
The quickest way to get an existing site into your reflections is to take several shots with your digital camera, stitch them together in Photoshop, then create an arched plane in SU behind the camera and map the image onto it so that it will appear in your reflections.
Another option I've seen before is taking pictures of what is to be reflected, reverse it and then paste it as a material on the reflective surface.
Hi guys thanks for your replys, I am probably going to go down this route because I'm more confident with this method that any other ie messing around with GI lighting, shadows as well as physical camera on or off. I'll let you know how I get on. Thanks!
@valerostudio said:
The quickest way to get an existing site into your reflections is to take several shots with your digital camera, stitch them together in Photoshop, then create an arched plane in SU behind the camera and map the image onto it so that it will appear in your reflections.
Hey Valero
when you put it onto the plane how do you get the scale correct? can you position the texture at all?