Google Drive is live
Got an email from Mindmeister that they now offer an integration with Google Drive. This sounds very interesting - will try it out.
I decided to give GD a spin. I presume Google is still trying to iron out the kinks, although I see no feedback forum.
my 1st impression:- upload speed; reminds me of using the old 14.5 modem, took over 1.5 hours to uploaded 300MB (126 photos), upload server crapped out at 120 photo upload.
- web surfing while using GD, causes severe refresh rates.
- was unable to generate GD sharing over my home network.
I am a dropbox user and decided to give google drive a try because of its lower prices. one thing I immediately noticed is you cannot get links for other people to download your files. unless this is done in some other way through google docs but this would be much more complicated than in other similar services.
I figured out the sharing, over the home network, (which no one, in their right mind, would consider as a file sharing alternative which windows 7 already provides) but it illustrates how GD works.
- I made my wife the person I want to share the GD files with. This sends an email to her email account. If she does not have a Gmail account), she needs to setup her own Gmail account, login to access the link to my shared files, or since its a home network sign in under my Gmail account.
BTW: I added an .mov folder to my GD computer drive, I contains 4 .mov files which after 4 hours has not been transferred yet.
fwiw, 'drive' still wasn't showing up in the google menu bar so i went to:
(where it previously said my drive wasn't ready yet)and was able to get it going
@edson said:
one thing I immediately noticed is you cannot get links for other people to download your files. unless this is done in some other way through google docs but this would be much more complicated than in other similar services.
it's the same (well, similar) as dropbox.. right click on the file then go 'share…'
go to 'share..' again then change who has can probably link to photos etc as well.. test to follow..
[EDIT] yep.. works
and maybe there's a way to create a 'Public' folder ala dropbox so you don't have to change individual access settings..?
(edit2)--- looking from a phone now and that picture isnt showing up. anyone else seeing an embedded image above?
@unknownuser said:
(edit2)--- looking from a phone now and that picture isnt showing up. anyone else seeing an embedded image above?
Not showing for me. If if Right click -> view Image, I get a 403 Forbidden error
@d12dozr said:
@unknownuser said:
(edit2)--- looking from a phone now and that picture isnt showing up. anyone else seeing an embedded image above?
Not showing for me. If if Right click -> view Image, I get a 403 Forbidden error
hmm. ok. thanks
I kind of need that ability. I'll try some other stuff later to see if it's possible.
(unless someone already knows how ?) -
It looks like it worked for me right up there(tested from a different browser) - In Google Drive, after clicking the Share button, I just set the Sharing Settings to "Anyone with the link". You could make it "Public" as well.
Edit: wait, just tested from a 3rd browser and now it doesn't show...can you confirm or not?
yeah. not showing up for me.
the links are shareable though. I tried that earlier. -
@d12dozr said:
Edit, yeah, what you said. Links work, but not embedded images.
Not even links. If I try to display the image in a new tab, it say 403 (forbidden)
Here's a link that should work Gai:
I didn't have any links above, but I tested using another browser.
meh.. I think I'll stick with Dropbox for now..
..and hope iCloud picks up some more features soon.
(though I doubt it.. mobileMe, iCloud's precursor, had some of the functions I need but they were stripped away with iCloud) -
I took Paul Russam's write up on Dropbox with links and put my Plugins folder in the cloud: compared Google Drive, Microsoft SkyDrive, and Dropbox.
They all executed at the same speed (Google Drive might be slightly faster).
So moving your Plugins to the cloud to better manage them is worth doing!
Here's my blog about this and it gives the steps needed to use Link Shell Extensions (for Windows only sorry to say): -
fwiw, andrea.bianco was the first to put up dropbox/sketchup syncing instruction at scf (that i'm aware of)