Partial transparent material
I see no model.
Sorry, Here's the link.
Hmmm...Really strange, it works just fine here. Have you the latest version of SU2KT exporter?
Hm. Interesting. For me (also?) the material is exported as jpg, not png (therefore, obviously, no alpha channel can be found). I do not know why this is happening.
I could reload the jpg image with the png however. Copy the png to the material folder KT creates when exporting and when opening the material browser in KT, change the jpg material for the png material.
It should be the latest. I just reinstalled it 3 weeks ago. What is the latest version and how do I check my current version?
Copying the png. into the folder seems to be working
. Thanks for the help gents. Once again you guys have proven why this is one of my favorite forums.
Plugins > Kerkythea exporter > About...
Hm. Interesting. Mine says:
SU2KT version 3.1 beta2 27th October 2007
Now I am pretty sure this is not the latest version.True however that nowadays, if I need to open native Kerky at all, I first tweak everything in Twilight and export from there (lazy solution for mediocre rendering talents)
the latest version should be here I guess.
Mine is 3.0 6th oct 2007. I just reinstalled it not sure why mine would be even older than yours.
All right. Now I updated my SU2KT plugin and it exports the material correctly as png and even the alpha is already added as a clip mask. I really do not know what I have been waiting for.
Interesting. I just installed the version from the link massimo provided and everything seems to be working fine. Thanks lots guys!!! Still not sure why I didnt get the latest version when I reinstalled from the kerky site 3 weeks ago.