Two PCs, same scene, different ram usage?
hello everyone,
i' back at the dormitory, so now i have both my computers available. i wanted to make some new renders of a family house project on the laptop (where previously the renders were done under 20 minutes), but it seemed like it needs too much time. so i say - hmm, that's weird, i wonder how does it render on the bigger one (better CPU, faster RAM, 64bit machine). identical settings, same scene, textures local in regard to the machines.
of course, it rendered faster (5 minutes, actually; compared to 20 minutes on laptop this is a dramatic difference, but off topic).
one thing surprised me very much - the laptop got 'stuck' (ie. got extremely slow - this didn't happen before) at the Light Cache calculating phase and SU's RAM usage went according to window's task manager up to 1.3GB. at the same stage, the RAM usage at the bigger PC was not more than 600MB for SketchUp's process. do you think that this is an OS difference in memory management? or just a weird VRay bug? what could the cause be?
EDIT: ok, so i found the hog - in the meantime i added a new material with displacement, and that's causing the huge slowdown on the laptop. without the displacement the laptop renders fast too. however, with displacement turned on the scene renders fine at the big PC; so i'll just probably try to stay away from the displacement.
A higher end computer will of course render faster. Could be the type of RAM and the speed of processor. You are comparing apples to oranges really.