Window Challenge
Do you mean your walls are not vertical?
@gilles said:
Do you mean your walls are not vertical?
Thanks, I ment the wholes are slanted in different directions. Each floor is different. This is why I think a "paint surfaces with component" could be very useful
In this case all your windows or most of them will be different.
Can you imagine the cost of this? -
@gilles said:
In this case all your windows or most of them will be different.
Can you imagine the cost of this?Ye, but atleast all put my monster rig to good use
(If you mean cont of production, Im doing this project as an experiment) -
Good luck?
Maybe you could find fredoscale useful for this. -
Perhaps you need to build the mesh and lattice it into windows - EEbyRails then LatticeMaker - one leaving diagonals and the other after manually erasing coplanar diagonals [simple selection tricks...]
I know the windows are not all the same width - but hey, this is a quick 5min demo... you have several hours to sort this perfectly...
THere is also a plugin called component onto faces wich could help you. You have to correctly position the center of the component though
My solution is not a plugin
and it's a commercial soft
It's Paracloud GemI dream about a simple free plug for SU doing that ! Waiting for it, I've bought the V4 next year.
@unknownuser said:
My solution is not a plugin
and it's a commercial soft
It's Paracloud GemI dream about a simple free plug for SU doing that ! Waiting for it, I've bought the V4 next year.
Price??? Nothing on site I can find. Not much info either
@jpalm32 said:
@unknownuser said:
My solution is not a plugin
and it's a commercial soft
It's Paracloud Gem
I dream about a simple free plug for SU doing that ! Waiting for it, I've bought the V4 next year.Price??? Nothing on site I can find. Not much info either
Sad... there is no info on the new version of the web site
I said "I've bought the V4 next year", but's not realy true... "My school bought it" is better
So, I dont realy know the price, but I remember something about 250$ for academic license.