OS compatibility issue
I didn't realise you can open the .skm 'folder' with archive utility...
when I check against any random SU or Arroways .skm the differences are
1: yours use http://sketchup.google.com/schemas/
all others use http://www.sketchup.com/schemas/2: yours uses the same 'uncloloured' Ref PelleBump_1.jpg
all others use coloured Ref jpgsI can /Applications/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp.app/Contents/Resources/Textures/Sketchy_Straight_Siding.jpg
but it's an odd format I can't open, maybe compiled??I can't find any of Arroway's textureFilename="plaster-006_d100.jpg"that relates to <mat:image id="1" path="plaster-006_d100_1.jpg"/> yet [just doing a unix search which will find it if it's on my computer]
maybe you can make more sense of all this.
@tig said:
If you copy the SKM over from PC to MAC, without it ever being inside a ZIP file is there any difference ?
Is a .skm more than a renamed zip file?
If it is a zip in disguise, would you need to gzip the source files on mac to avoid .DS_Store?, which .skm's don't have [until you unzip and open the folder]. -
@driven said:
maybe you can make more sense of all this.
not at all
at this point I'm quite sure it's something related to the uncoloured texture, I've seen the material management is the most different part between mac and pc, maybe they codify the colour overlay in a different manner...? -
mmm...I've noticed a strange thing
<mat;material colorBlue="40" colorGreen="40" colorRed="183" colorizeType="0" hasTexture="1" name="Pelle Rosso"
perhaps colorizeType should be "1", seems it makes no difference in my pc, how about mac?
How do you see them now on mac?
Pelle Rivestimento.zip -
it's the same grey in SU,
heres a standard mac SU.skm is it different than the standard PC
john -
as I can see is exactly the same
and this Al Hart arroway one?
it's a single download for both platforms and it works...
this works,
1 added the color to the PelleBump_1.jpg then re-zipped using YemuZip, should be PC friendly.
but there's something else blocking doing the same to the others...
can you do a dif on this file and see what else I or SU have changed, because I think it did...
no differences, except your reference image is colored