Need help with a broken/corrupted skp model
Can you share the file? If not publicly via PM?
For some reason i cant browse for the file from the upload attachment tab
I am afraid I can't open it on my Mac - crashes SU. I can see a thumbnail with a number of objects in it.
It's almost there. If you try to import it rather than open it, you get the thumbnail and even all the materials in the just can't handle the geometry. Google might be able to fix it if it's really important.
Have you tried looking for and opening any autosave skp? It's usually located in the same folder as your work file.
i said it before, the autosave was empty
Actually, you didn't. You said the skb was empty. That's not the same thing at all....that's why i asked.
then no, just the skb and the broken skp,
and deleted the skb since it was empty -
thanks anyway
i still wont make the model again from th beginning -
In a PC:
right click the file -> Properties -> Previous Versions TABIf you moved or copied the file, it won't work