Lost in Extrusion
It's too small.
Sketchup/OpenGL can't a make tiny faces and trying to mesh facets around tight bends at small dimensions will fail [<~1mm or <0.01sq"]. It's a known limitation.
So Scale up your geometry x10 and them make the mesh using a tool like Fredo's CurviLoft, or my ExtrudeEdgesbyRails [for EEby... you need to make the two profiles and two rails as 'curves', using weld.rb]...
Then Scale x0.1 afterwards.
Tiny facets can exists... BUT they can't be made.
Of course I already know and tried EEbyXX and Curviloft, but at the end I want a solid. So not only the faces between the two rails are missing, but also the others.
But when I use EEbyRails and then use Joint Push Pull it all has the same thickness and also the "vertical sides" - the edges and faces coming through the transparent rectangles - are not really vertical.
You could intersect those rectangles with your mesh and delete the unwanted protrusions. However, this obviously will affect the regularity of the mesh along the trim planes. I am not sure if the odd triangulations would have any effect taking it through the rendering process.
@mitcorb said:
You could intersect those rectangles with your mesh and delete the unwanted protrusions. However, this obviously will affect the regularity of the mesh along the trim planes.
That's what I did and cleaning up is real work when the curves have a lot of segments.
But I found out that I can use Tapermaker to get the two missing curves.
Edit: For the record. Everything can be done with EEbyRails. The "Profile"-Curve is just "Melding-Profile" curve, too.
Awesome, TIG!