Ruby Script doesn't appear?
I been trying for quiet some time now. Downloaded the, unpacked it and put it in the plugin folder. But it doesnt apear anywhere. Tried Rubu ones aswell but no. Im working on a macbookpro with SU 8.0. And yes Im a newbie.
Show us a screenshot of the Find window showing the plugins folder with the contents of Also which unfold plugin is this? What's the source?
The pluggin is called unfoldtools.rb but I´ve been trying with flattery.rb aswell.
As a MAC users you've probably put the files into the wrong Plugins folder.
A common issue
The correct path to install MAC plugins is something like this - called the 'Root' Plugins folder:
Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins
and NEVER this one....
Users/A_User/Library/Application Support/Google Sketchup 8/SketchUp/Plugins
Also check where each installed tool is intended to appear [they aren't ALL under the Plugins menu (but JF's 'unfold' AND this 'unfoldtool' should though?)]; also with some tools like 'Flattery' it's an 'Extension' that needs activating via Preferences... and its toolbar can then be shown from Views... -
Thanks a million. Oh yes I did put it in the wrong folder.
not many people even know how to get to where you put those... In Mac speak, that's inside the app, right click >> show package contents.
As TIG says it needs to be the HD path, and the best mac advice is...
when you go to that folder,
drag in into your side bar, so it becomes a drop-box for future 'manual' plugin instals not the new 'auto' ones.
The 'gotcha' is, it is a 'drop-only-box', to trash a ruby from there you have to right click >> open enclosing folder >> move to trash.You can rename or shuffle the files/folders around and make new folders/sub-folders, etc... you just can't delete/trash them.