SketchUp 8 M2 is out!
@unknownuser said:
i can now open supro on different computers and they both run without one being [EXPIRED]
probably something to do with the pro trial not reverting to free now..
uh.. ok.. maybe i wasn't connected to the same network or something when i had two sketchups open earlier because now when i try it, i CAN NOT even use sketchup on a different computer..
previously, if you tried this, only one would be pro and the rest would be [expired]pro (i.e.-free version)
now, i can only have sketchup open on one computer at a time ?? unless i install both free and pro on all computers??
this kinda sucks.
[EDIT] --
@unknownuser said:
this kinda sucks.
well, i guess it isn't too bad.. i just have to turn off wifi prior to launching on a second computer..
i mean, it's not like i'm trying to be shiesty or anything.. i just can't sit at one computer all day long and draw..i'll often have project files in my dropbox so i can pick up a laptop and lay on the floor while drawing for a while.. take the computer outside with me.. etc..
and i'm not going to buy another license for that privilege
[or is that what i'm supposed to do? like legally, what's the verdict on that?] -
Nay, I have this version installed on my desktop and laptop at the same time and have never had any issues with running either. Both connected to the net (lappy via wifi but the same router as the desktop).
True however that my wife has occupied my laptop so I have little chance to break SU on it.
here's what i get when i try to launch on another computer:
[and my only choice at this point is to close sketchup.. i.e.- i can't use it] -
@gaieus said:
Nay, I have this version installed on my desktop and laptop at the same time and have never had any issues with running either. Both connected to the net (lappy via wifi but the same router as the desktop).
they probably aren't on the same network then.. for instance, can you use one for a render slave under the configuration you're using? or browse and transfer files between the two computers?
It must be the same network. The wifi is coming from my router.
I don't know, what's going on there, Jeff. But please, post either here in the bug reports forum or over the Google forums as you are also active there. I will make sure it is noticed but certainly Googlers are also monitoring these places in the coming days.
well, JB is in this thread already
@gaieus said:
It must be the same network. The wifi is coming from my router.
I don't know all the techno mumbo jumbo but they aren't on the same LAN or else you wouldnt be able to have two computers running pro under the same license at any given time (unless you launched one while off the network)
[edit] or maybe the license check is being done via google and not a LAN.. dunno really but I doubt it.I'm pretty sure you've always been allowed to use a pro license on multiple computers ,but, you could only use the license on one computer at a time.
previously, if you launched SU on a second computer and it saw that your license was already being used, it would open as SU free instead of pro. it's been like that for as long as I can remember..
my gripe now is that since supro and free are totally different installs, I can no longer launch suFree on a second computer unless I have both pro and free installed (I need pro installed on all the computers.. putting the free version on them as well just seems silly.. especially when trying to keep everything synced up between the two separate apps and separate computers) -
oh.. so this same situation is being discussed at the blog as well..
i guess i'll wait on official word til i decide what i'm going to do but for now, i'm just going to have to block connections via my firewall..
[so i guess since i've made so many posts in a row so far, another one isn't going to hurt]
L o L..
so out of curiosity, i downloaded su8 free and installed it.. guess what happened.
it overwrote my su8 pro install.. no warning - nothing.. just wiped out the pro version..
so apparently, i can't even do what i was considering earlier which is to have both a pro and free version installed so i can use two sketchups while on the same network…@John,
seriously, i respect what you and your team do.. i like your vision of the future of sketchup and trust you at the helm.. but this is definitely a blunder -
They might have underestimated how many of us have SketchUp installed on multiple machines on the same network and occasionally have it open on more than machine.
I'm guessing it works the same way on network licenses? We've got quite a few network licenses at work, but sometimes there are more of us using it than we have licenses for, and it just reverts to the trial. Looks like that won't be the case anymore? It doesn't happen too often for me, but occasionally.
What I do get more often than not is my IT team messes up my server license location and I go for a few months not being able to access the license server until they can find time to straighten it out for me. Now though, I'll be stuck unable to open SU? I'll have to do some testing on this.
@unknownuser said:
Advanced Camera Tools are now installed by default, so they no longer require a separate plugin
I hope this will retain the ability to still use the old "film & stage" plugin which works so much better.
I mostly use film and stage to create cameras for scene position information, and for copying cameras between models for easy scene transferring.
I actually tried out the "Advanced Camera Tools" plugin when it first came out and it kept messing up my scenes every time I wanted to create, move, remove a camera. The idea behind the advanced tools was good, but it really messed things up... maybe an option to disable automatic scene creation would have helped. I can't put my finger on what was bugging me most then, but I am sure to install M2 sometime soon, and I'll update you guys why it was so difficult to use. Has anyone else had any problems with that?
@unknownuser said:
here's what i get when i try to launch on another computer:
[and my only choice at this point is to close sketchup.. i.e.- i can't use it][attachment=0:3hp71n8o]<!-- ia0 -->screen 2011-12-01 at 8.30.16 PM.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:3hp71n8o]
i got it too. no network. SU crashed when I first opened it. Then I opened and got that notice. I waited a bit and opened again and OK so far.
I just installed it and was really disappointed that the Print functionality is still broken. The biggest problem is in printing to scale. For some reason SketchUp insists on printing white space. Unless you minimize the white space in the window it will print on multiple wasted pages. In addition, if you are using metric mm in the scale side it sometimes, though not always, insists on changing the scale to suit inches. For example, if I enter 1 mm for "In the printout" and 100 mm for "In SketchUp" everything is fine until I change focus away from the Print Preview dialog box at which time 1 is changed to 25.4 and 100 is changed to 2542.2. The 25.4 obviously represents 25.4 mm in 1". The 2542.2 is supposed to represent 2540 mm in 100", but where the extra 2.2 mm come from who knows. Multiplying 25.4 by 100 shouldn't be too hard for SketchUp. Still, the biggest problem is SketchUp's insistence on printing white space. Why it can't calculate a bounding box for the objects in the window and use that is a mystery to me. But this problem plagues every new user to SketchUp and it has been there since day 1. Will it ever get fixed?
That said, I am a huge SketchUp fan.
@chiefwoodworker said:
I just installed it and was really disappointed that the Print functionality is still broken.
hey chief.. you have suPro so maybe save some headaches and do your printing via layout?
great time to install fresh and start over with a blank plugin folder.
@unknownuser said:
now, i can only have sketchup open on one computer at a time ?? unless i install both free and pro on all computers??
It sounds like you may be using a network license, not a single-user license. You'll need to change some things about your configuration to use SU8M2. Please drop us a line here for more information.
. -
@unknownuser said:
...and I'll update you guys why it was so difficult to use. Has anyone else had any problems with that?
I'd be keen to hear why you prefer the old "Film & Stage" plugin to the new "Advanced Camera Tools" as well. We think the new version works better than the old one, of course
. -
@chiefwoodworker said:
The biggest problem is in printing to scale.
LayOut is the better solution to this problem and it contains many tools that will help you print more effectively to scale.
. -
did I hear someone say plugin installer?
@jbacus said:
@unknownuser said:
now, i can only have sketchup open on one computer at a time ?? unless i install both free and pro on all computers??
It sounds like you may be using a network license, not a single-user license. You'll need to change some things about your configuration to use SU8M2. Please drop us a line here for more information.
john know, it's been quite a while since i bought pro but you might be right re: the network license.. i actually bought 3 licenses at once (from @last) but two were for windows and the third (mine) is mac.. i always assumed mine was a single-user license since it was a different OS but my user name is "<company name> -User 3"..
my su8 upgrade email says this prior to listing the SN
SketchUp Pro 8 Commercial License for OSX - 1 Seats
does that means i have a network license instead of single user?
[fwiw, one of the licenses 'home base' is in florida, one in denver, then mine in NYC.. i haven't talked with them yet about this but i assume they're going to need sorted out as well]
but yeah, i'll mail you guys privately to get this sorted..