Do you smoke?
@daniel said:
I've never engaged in any risky behavior to "fit in," so I find the concept hard to understand. But I see it all the time, especially young adults. And not just with cigarettes. With illicit drug use. I've never heard of drug addiction having a positive effect on someone's life, yet people still do it. I just don't understand, when there is so much information out there explaining how damaging a behavior is, why anyone would engage in it, especially when the "benefits" seem negligable in comparison.
Daniel, that's absolutely fine to think that, and your opinions are shared by tens of thousands of others worldwide.
It doesn't give you, or all those others the right to tell another adult that they should or shouldn't be doing it. Right?
People should be given the freedom to form their own opinions rather having someone else decide what they think for them. No matter what evidence or breach of human rights those self appointed decision makers may throw up against them or against their case.
@alan fraser said:
Another advantage of smoking is that it kills the desire for sleep, so that you can still post to the forum well into the wee small hours of the Mike.
I don't know there Alan....
I used to sleep better after a fag or two in the evening...
Another advantage of smoking is that it apparently kills the desire for sleep, so that you can still post to the forum well into the wee small hours of the Mike.
I quit 6 days ago, so far so good
Good lad!
Hi folks.
I am a non smoker.
One day I was having a beer with a few friends the backyard of one of these people. One of them was smoking. The smoke was pushed by the wind in my direction so I grumbled a little and changed place. The smoker looked at me as if saying "what's wrong". I told him that the smoke was bothering me. He told me to continue drinking my beer and let him continue smoking his cigarette. I replied that I was not forcing anyone to taste my beer.
As for smoking in a car, let me tell you that. One of my wife's niece has a car and smoke a lot. The result is that her car is impregnated with tobacco smell. I know since I had to move this car once. What an experience. I was in this car for two minutes and I was so happy to get out. Now the bad part. She also has two children, one of them with bad asthma. The young guy needs pumps. These kids are often traveling with the mother. When they are inside the car, she don't smoke but the result is still bad, real bad.
When I am in the bus, traveling to work, I can tell that the person seated next to me is a smoker just by the smell.
I also can tell with some good certitude if a woman is a heavy smoker just by its voice. The smoke is having an effect on vocal chords.
Just ideas.
@liam887 said:
I quit 6 days ago, so far so good
I'm quitting too. My gf and our son are leaving for Brazil in a few days. I'll have the house to myself for two weeks. Seems like the perfect time to quit as there won't be anyone around I can annoy with relentless moaning and yelping.
Maybe our Christian friends can put in a little prayer for me?
7 weeks. It wasn't too bad...they let me out of the basement today. The shackles stay on till next week.
seriously...I am free and I am glad. Thank you big nazi government for making it the only choice I had. Glad you got to make lots of revenue off of your subjects for so long.
Well done, Michael! Stick to it mate.
You too Liam; I'm sure brother Ronan is proud of you... -
Here in Michigan (one of those fifty states we have) they outlawed smoking in nearly every public building, to include for the first time bars and restaurants. Oddly enough sales improved as those of us who stopped going out (to avoid smelling like an ashtray after coming home) started frequenting bars once again.
Across the pond I am sure you will suffer for a while but eventually when you do have to suffer a place where people do smoke you will be amazed and likely disgusted that its allowed.
For those in the states: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In that order. Smoke em if you got em and if you want, but do it in a place that it doesn't impugn on those rights of others. Go for it. I just dont want to breathe it. Nor do I want my kids to breathe it. And you better be paying a higher insurance premium too. Same should go for assorted drugs. If alcohol is legal, then so should others. Tax it, control it. Get people out of jail an into treatment.
But if you show up to work drunk or high, be aware that you might lose a job. Same goes for driving. Under the influence (including checking SketchUp forums on your mobile or texting your mistress) - get off the road. Please.
"Anyone is made inferior or worse or is overcome, to that [person or thing] he is enslaved."
(See 2 Peter 2:19)
I can not allow to be a servant of cigarettes...! -
@unknownuser said:
"Anyone is made inferior or worse or is overcome, to that [person or thing] he is enslaved."
(See 2 Peter 2:19)
I can not allow to be a servant of cigarettes...!But you can be the servant of a text?
It is a pity to waste the gifts that God has given us, such as health, money, etc..
@ 'bmike'. I want to be an obedient servant of God's word, but not of a human text...!
@unknownuser said:
@ 'bmike'. I want to be an obedient servant of God's word, but not of a human text...!
Nevermind then.
@unknownuser said:
It is a pity to waste the gifts that God has given us, such as health, money, etc..
and I always thought the devil gave us money
(then you're supposed to give it to the church for proper disposal of the evil? or something like that...)
@unknownuser said:
and I always thought the devil gave us money
no, they often cut salaries with many excuses they've come with.
that's why many have quit and start their own business making their own money -
Someone once asked me if I smoked after sex. I told them I never checked.