Do you smoke?
Well done, Michael! Stick to it mate.
You too Liam; I'm sure brother Ronan is proud of you... -
Here in Michigan (one of those fifty states we have) they outlawed smoking in nearly every public building, to include for the first time bars and restaurants. Oddly enough sales improved as those of us who stopped going out (to avoid smelling like an ashtray after coming home) started frequenting bars once again.
Across the pond I am sure you will suffer for a while but eventually when you do have to suffer a place where people do smoke you will be amazed and likely disgusted that its allowed.
For those in the states: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In that order. Smoke em if you got em and if you want, but do it in a place that it doesn't impugn on those rights of others. Go for it. I just dont want to breathe it. Nor do I want my kids to breathe it. And you better be paying a higher insurance premium too. Same should go for assorted drugs. If alcohol is legal, then so should others. Tax it, control it. Get people out of jail an into treatment.
But if you show up to work drunk or high, be aware that you might lose a job. Same goes for driving. Under the influence (including checking SketchUp forums on your mobile or texting your mistress) - get off the road. Please.
"Anyone is made inferior or worse or is overcome, to that [person or thing] he is enslaved."
(See 2 Peter 2:19)
I can not allow to be a servant of cigarettes...! -
@unknownuser said:
"Anyone is made inferior or worse or is overcome, to that [person or thing] he is enslaved."
(See 2 Peter 2:19)
I can not allow to be a servant of cigarettes...!But you can be the servant of a text?
It is a pity to waste the gifts that God has given us, such as health, money, etc..
@ 'bmike'. I want to be an obedient servant of God's word, but not of a human text...!
@unknownuser said:
@ 'bmike'. I want to be an obedient servant of God's word, but not of a human text...!
Nevermind then.
@unknownuser said:
It is a pity to waste the gifts that God has given us, such as health, money, etc..
and I always thought the devil gave us money
(then you're supposed to give it to the church for proper disposal of the evil? or something like that...)
@unknownuser said:
and I always thought the devil gave us money
no, they often cut salaries with many excuses they've come with.
that's why many have quit and start their own business making their own money -
Someone once asked me if I smoked after sex. I told them I never checked.
Smoking is a vice (among others...) practiced by worldly people, devoid of the Spirit. They are not led by the Holy Spirit, and they do only what comes naturally (they follow their natural instincts: sinful nature)…, and they can not apply SELF-CONTROL.
Diametrically opposed, God's Spirit makes us loving, happy, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled. There is no law against behaving in any of these ways.” (Galatians 5:22-23)
I'm reasonably sure there's "loving, happy, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled" people who smoke. And I object firmly to the notion that those of us who aren't 'led by the Holy Spirit' are somehow lesser beings than those who are.
@ TomDC. Don’t be reductionist, regarding self-control! People are slaves to whatever has mastered them: cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, adultery, and so on…
Do I smoke? I try not to move so fast that I create any heat let alone smoke.
@unknownuser said:
People are slaves to whatever has mastered them: cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, adultery, and so on…
Like fundamental religion?
I feel a scripture quote coming.
On a more serious note, I do believe religion, if practiced with moderation and intelligence, can be, well, liberating.
@unknownuser said:
@ TomDC. Don’t be reductionist, regarding self-control! People are slaves to whatever has mastered them: cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, adultery, and so on…
Are you deliberately 'not getting' my point? If so: knock it off. It's annoying.
@ 'TomDC'. Say what you mean by self-control?
I, "deliberately", do not want to accept compromises! “It's annoying”, isn’t it?! -
Aaand you're on my 'foes' list. That's self-control.
@ TomDC.
Do not hurry my friend! You misinterpreted!