Back up files in component library
Is it possible to prevent SU from seeing skb files in a component library folder. Ive saved out several large libraries and have skb and skp files in the folder but SU shows both types and doesn't allow me to see which is which - is there any way to prevent skb files from being on view in the component browser?
Thanks -
Why not just erase all the .skb files?
Just cos I thought it was a good idea to have a back up and I was trying to avoid having to keep turning the 'save backup' preference on and off, or to keep having to move the skb files any time I make a change to the original. Thought there might be a way to view skp files only and not have to keep moving the backup files out of the folder.
The skb is one step behind the skp in case the skp is corrupted by your editing.
You should remove unneeded skb files.
If you are editing a skp in a component library folder I suggest that copy it to a temporary location [e.g. your Desktop... or a folder on your Desktop ?] - then edit it there - a skb will be made in case of balls ups as you edit/save.
When you are happy with the undated skp, save it and move it back into the component library folder.
Erase the unwanted skb files at your leisure...
Now your MAC will only show the skp files because there will not be any skb files in the component library folders! -
Ok - will edit them in a separate location as suggested.
Thanks -
I hate how Sketchup for Mac does this. The Windows version of Sketchup will not show .SKB's in the component browser....
There is a trick you can do with Spotlight to search all the .SKB's in a directory, and all the subdirectories of a folder so you can delete them in one fell swoop. It's been a while since I've done that trick though.
Thanks for that - yes it is really annoying. I'll try your spotlight search to get rid of the SKBs.