Hidden geometry in scenes
Is there a script that toggles how sketchup defines what geometry is displayed in scenes?
It would be nice to sometimes allow scenes to be defined by what is not hidden rather than what is hidden? it gets very tedious to update every single scene in a file after creating a new group/component that only exists in one scene but not all the others.
Use layers for visibility control and if you want to create hidden layers, I believe you can do what you want with Layer Manager V6 by D. Bur. There's another plugin which just creates layers which are hidden on all but the current scene but I can't find the link for it at the moment.
The latest Didier Bur 'Layer Manager' tool now has the ability to create a new layer that's 'on' in the current scene-tab, but which is 'off' on any other scene-tabs - including new ones...
@ivreich said:
It would be nice to sometimes allow scenes to be defined by what is not hidden rather than what is hidden? it gets very tedious to update every single scene in a file after creating a new group/component that only exists in one scene but not all the others.
thanks guys...
@unknownuser said:
Dave: There's another plugin which just creates layers which are hidden on all but the current scene but I can't find the link for it at the moment.
I think it's "AddHiddenLayer"