Intersect Model with Section Cut
I thought there was a SketchUp function that intersected a model by a section cut. But I seem to be wrong. And now I'm trying to find a plugin that does that.
Zorro has a context menu feature "slice model at section".
Context-menu... my SectionCutFace [to add a 'faced' group at the cut], or Zorro2 [Slice Model at Section]?
Native: if you right-click a section-cut you also get 'Create Group from Slice' [about seven items down] which makes a grouped, but unfaced, set of lines at the cut-plane...
To mimic it in code make a group with a large face - bigger than the model.bounds, centered on the section-plane, then group.entities.intersect_with(...) the model.entities.to_a, putting the resultant edges into the group.entities. erase the outer edges of the temp-face and then any faces left in the group to leave the edges ??? -
SectionCutFace is what I use.
Trying Zorro2 now. Taking a loooong time.
One thing: do any of these tools separate the cut geometry?
What I really want to do is get two groups with the two halves. So I can either erase or hide of them. -
Zorro2 erases the 'half' you can't see...
To get the model split into two parts you'd need to do it twice, on two copies, with the section-cut reversed in one of them.
You could them copy and paste-in-place from these two processed SKPs into a new model so that the whole model is there again - but now 'split'... -
@tig said:
Zorro2 erases the 'half' you can't see...
For now that is ok. But I'm running into BugSplats.
I posted a fix on the Zorro thread in response to your comment there...
where can i download the section cut face plugin?
First post in its thread - get that from the Plugins Index [BIG red button above here]